Chapter 85

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I arrived home and found that my parents were home, I guess that wasn't very unusual, but for some odd reason I hadn't expected it. I walked through the door and Saw a bunch of bags by the door. "Ellen, hurry and go pack, we're leaving in twenty minutes." said mom, I walked over to where her voice came from and found her packing in her room. "what are you doing?" I asked.

"packing, we're going to Ottawa for a few days." she said. "mom, nathans here." I said, she turned and saw nathan and frowned. "oh, well, when's he leaving?" she asked. "few weeks." I said. "can I just stay here with him?" I asked, she scoffed. "ya, leave you two here alone for a few days." she laughed.

"well, can he come with us?" I asked, she looked at us. "he needs a passport." she said. "he's already got one with him." I replied. "he needs a hotel room." she added. "Nathan has an in at the fairview hotel, management knows him." I said. "he needs money..." she said. "he's got lots of money." I added, she sighed.

"fine." she said. "let's go pack!" I said excitedly, I smiled and then pulled Nathan upstairs. "so, I'm going to Canada." he said. "apparently." I replied, he grinned. "Well, I'm sure we can get a separate room at the hotel." he said, I smiled at him. "mm, that sounds nice." I said as I grabbed a bag and started packing my clothes.

"we're going to be going out to a formal dinner, so do you have a suit?" I asked, he shook his head. "well, we can buy one when we get to Ottawa." I said, he nodded. Half an hour later we'd packed and everyone was in the car. Nathan and I were in the backseat while my parents were in the front. "so, Nathan, when did you decide to come visit?" asked dad.

"well, I just got up and came, cause I missed Ellen." he said, I smiled. "I'm tired." I yawned. "Nathan, lay down on the seats so you can be my pillow." I said, he rolled onto his side and spread over the seats. I curled up in front of him and he spooned up behind me. He pulled me against him so i wouldn't fall off and I saw my dad angrily staring back at us.

I laid in Nathans arms and we listened to our music for hours, until dad finally stopped for food. "hungry." I moaned, Nathan chuckled and put his arm around my shoulder as we walked into the food court. We got in line for mcdonalds and when we got there I asked for a large fries and Nathan got a burger. We went over to a bench and Nathan sat down at one side. I laid down and put my head in his lap.

"fry me." I said, Nathan picked up a fry and put it in my open mouth. I ate it and watched him as he ate his burger. "why are you watching me eat?" he asked, I shrugged. "your face happens to be above mine." I replied, he chuckled and took another bite. "oh my god Nathan Sykes, can I have an autograph?" asked a girl as her and three of her friends ran over.

They looked maybe fifteen or sixteen and he smiled and nodded. "sure thing girls." he said, one gave him a piece of paper and he signed it. "what are you doing here? I thought you were in London." said one of the girls. "well, my girlfriend here." he said and gave me another fry which I happily ate. "is going to Ottawa and I flew out here to go with her, cause I missed her." he said.

"aww!" awwed the girls. "you're a very lucky girl." said one, I nodded. "I know." I said and patted nathans thigh. "he makes really good bacon." I joked, they laughed and Nathan grinned. "yes, I do." he said. Another one of the girls gave him a book and he signed it. "holy shit is that a tattoo?" she shrieked, Nathan flinched. "uh, ya." he said, one grabbed their phone. "please don't, the paps don't know about it yet and I want it to stay that way." he said, they all nodded.

"nath, they're going to find out sooner or later, might as well just let em." I said, he looked at me. "alright, then you show yours to." he said, I pulled up the sleeve of my jacket and showed them. Nathan showed his and they snapped pictures. "they're so cute! Are you two secretly married?" asked one, I shook my head. "nope." I said. "then why does it say Ellen Jean sykes?" asked another.

"long story." I said, they shrugged. "do you guys really have a sex tape?" asked one, I shook my head "nope, we were drunk and just wanted to mess with the paps." I said, they nodded. "Ellen, time to go." said my dad, I frowned. "ten more minutes, I haven't finished my fries." i said as Nathan put another one in my mouth.

"we really have to go." he said, I moaned. "fine! Nathan, wanna grab some stuff for the hotel at the convenience store?" I asked, he gave me a confused look and I sighed. "really? How did you not get that?" I asked, then ran my hand farther up his thigh. His eyes widened "oh!" he said, finally getting the reference. I got off him and took my fries.

"meet you at the car." I said, he nodded and I walked off with my dad. "what did you send him to get?" he asked. "just some stuff." I said and got in the backseat of the car. Nathan came in a few minutes later and he laid down and pulled me on top of him.

I reached into his jeans pocket and felt the square, cardboard box and smiled. "good, I thought you didn't understand me." I said, he grinned. "took a while." he Admitted. "aw, my slow Nathan." I sighed, he frowned and poked me in the tit. "ow!" I said, mom and dad looked at us. "sorry." I said, they turned back to the front and I frowned at Nathan. "why did you do that?" I asked quietly.

He shrugged. "I usually poke the boys in the chest, so that was as close as I could get." he said, I rolled my eyes and he narrowed his eyes at me. "told you it's a habit mr.grey." I said, he laughed and pulled me against him. "go to sleep." he ordered, I sighed, but rested my head on his chest and closed my eyes


So, what you do you guys think of it!




The more comments the faster ill update cause I'm working on five fanfics and the one with the most comments gets updated fastest. Speaking of my other fanfics, go read my other fanfics and then tell me what you think about those.

And Maggie, I know you're reading this and I know you're like dam she's phsychich and now you're thinking that's not how you spell psychic, see, I'm psychic, now you're thinking that I'm not, anyone could have guessed this and now you're sitting at your desk, your legs crossed in your spinny chair ,looking at your computer like 'whoa, Boycat is psychic, I wonder if she's ever going to be on psych?' now you're thinking about all the names that guss has, this, this, you're stuck between wondering why I said 'this, this, this' and that fact I just did a 'dot, dot, dot' anyway, Maggie, you better remember to vote, or else I'll...I don't know, I'm to lazy to come up with a good threat right now

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