Chapter 72

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hi everyone, ok, so first off. I honestly forget about wattpad, so If you want me to update then comment, cause I'll get an Email and remember to post.


Well, here it is

Toms pov

I watched from the dressing room as max talked to Martin about the interview. I sighed and leaned against the door. I did love him, since I met him three years ago we'd become inseparable friends, then more. I couldn't help that I was in love with him. I didn't even think I was gay! I liked woman, it's just...max. He's special and I know that no woman would ever catch my fancy again having him to compete with.

"you two are good together." said a voice and I turned sharply to see nareesha standing next to me. "what?" I asked. "you two, you're good together." she said again. "what do you mean?" I asked feigning ignorance. She smiled up at me. "please Tom, I see the way you two look at each other. You're clearly in love." she ended, I gave her a half smile. "you really think so?" I asked, she nodded. "definitely, no question about it, are you going to come out to the fans?" she asked.

I shrugged. "we'll get so much hate." I started, she nodded. "I know, but so did ellen and Nathan. He dropped nearly fifty thousand followers on twitter and got death threats, so did she, but they pushed through it...well, Nathan pushed through it. Ellen yelled at a lot of people." she said, I smirked. Yes she had. "anyway, my point is. You two love each other and you have the right to be together in public." she said, I nodded.

"I know, I know, but what if he doesn't love me enough to get through it?" I asked, she sighed. "that's the question isn't it? You're never going to know tom-tom, you're just going to have to do it and hope you come through in one piece." she said with a half hearted smile. "thanks reesha." I said and hugged her.

"go talk to him." she said, I nodded and kissed her head, then walked over to max. "hey, mate, can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked, max looked over and his gaze softened when he saw me.he said something to Martin and then walked over. "what is it mate?" he asked, I took his hand and pulled him over to the dressing room, locked the door and looked at him.

He looked from me to the locked door, then a grin spread across his face. "ah, a quicky before the interview, nice." grinned max as he walked closer. I put my hand on his chest and stopped him. "no, I want to talk." I said, max's face went from playful to serious in a second and I instantly wanted his playful face back. "what is it?" asked max.

"I...should we come out?" I asked. "come out?" he asked me confused. "should we tell the fans?" I asked him again, he looked at me and sighed. "don't think I don't love you tomakin, cause I do, but are you sure that's a good idea? There's going to be so much hate on us." said max, I looked at him.

"I know, but...but I love you max and I don't want to have to hide that from the world." I confused, max's face instantly softened and he ran his thumb over my cheek. "aw Tom, I don't want to hide, but I wasn't sure you could handle the hate. I'm worried about you." he said, when he did I smiled. He cared! And I couldn't keep a grin off my face. "I'll be fine, as long as you're there to help me through it." I said, he nodded.

"at the interview, today." he said, I nodded. "I love you tomakin." he said then kissed me lightly. "love you to maxamilian." I replied, then kissed him back. There was a knock on the door and we both got up and left. We went onstage and sat down, me, max, siva, nareesha, jay and Maggie. The woman was across from us asking us questions.

"so, where's Nathan and Ellen?" she asked. "they're on vacation, they should be back soon." answered siva. "so, Tom and max, you guys just broke it off with your girlfriends. But we've seen you hanging out with them a lot even after you broke up, are you back together with them?" she asked. "no, we broke up with them, but we're staying good friends, we really care about them." answered max.

"everything seemed to be going so well, why did you break it off?" she asked, here it comes. I looked at max. He gave me a reassuring smile and took my hand in his. "actually, we have something to announce." started max, he could tell I was nervous. He stroked my wrist with his thumb reassuringly and it helped to calm me down. He interlaced his fingers with mine and smiled. "Tom and I are actually gay...and in love." he said...

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