Chapter 2 - Flying High

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*3 Months Later*

When I feel the car rolling to a gentle stop? I lift my forehead from where it's been resting against the cool glass of the window. Reluctantly peel my eyelids apart.

A valet opened the door for me. And the frenetic noise of the airport rushed into what's been a calm oasis for the last hour.

"I'll just grab a trolley and load your bags, Lucy. Why don't you make your way in and I'll catch up?"

"I will. Ta, Dylan"  I replied gratefully.

It's beyond crowded for so early in the morning. I'd only just weaved my way to the priority check-in counter when he caught up. Dyl placed my bags on the luggage belt and waited to one side until I was quickly checked in.

When I joined him, we both just stood there and gazed sorrowfully at each other. I made the first move. Grabbing him hard in a bone-crushing hug.

He returned it tenfold.

"Thank you, Dylan. I just can't say it enough. Without you both? The last couple of years....and the last four months in particular would've been impossible. We....I really appreciate what you did for us, everything you both gave up to help."

I gently let go and peered up into his reddening face.

"Don't get me wrong when I say, it was a pleasure. I mean....given the circumstances and everything. But you know what? I'd do it again in a heartbeat."

"We'll miss you terribly, Luce. Do you think you'll be back anytime soon?"  He muttered sadly.

"I'll make sure of it once that baby of yours is born. Which reminds me...."  I dug into my travel bag, extracted the envelope and pressed it into his hand.

"This is for you and Sarah. Don't open it until you get home to her."

"Awwww,"  He started but I cut him off.

"Yes, Dylan....hell yes. Now, you have my email and mobile number. So don't forget to let me know how the new job goes. And send baby pics as soon as. Lots of them!"  I squeezed out a little smile.

Kissed his cheek and whispered"Bye you both heaps"  before I made for the escalator.

Dylan originally started out as our driver when I returned to Australia. But quickly became my assistant and then a really good friend to us. Along with his wife, Sarah.

I wasn't lying or exaggerating when I told him how much I appreciate and love them. Couldn't have done it all on my own. Not any of it.

And it's thanks to them plus my other loving friends....that I didn't have to.


"Welcome back, Miss Ashton. I saw your name on the flight manifest and was hoping you'd come in. It's so nice to have you with us again!"  The lounge concierge rose gracefully from behind her desk and welcomed me.

"Thanks, Mila. It's really good to see you as well. Awesome tan. Holiday?"  I responded with a smile.

She kept up a non-stop chatter. Led me through the lounge to my usual secluded and quiet space. Near a window overlooking the busy tarmac.

"I'll have your pot of tea bought to you shortly. Barry will accompany you to your flight when boarding commences"  She started to move away, then hesitantly turned back.

"Miss Ashton....Lucy?  I hope you don't mind me saying this. I just want to tell you how sorry and sad I was to read about....well....please just know that we're all thinking of you."

The Odd Couple - A Norman Reedus Fanfic RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now