Chapter 33 - Well Blow Me Down With A ....

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It's the night before I'm due to fly to Tokyo.

Norman came home a bit earlier and I made up a bed picnic for us. Lots of dips and nibbles to snack on. Beers for him....soda for me.

Alcohol and I are having a bit of a break....wonder why?  😉

We dusted all the crumbs off the bed and Norman had a shower. He's now lolling about on top of the bedclothes reading things on his tablet. I snuck into the bathroom and came out in my robe.

He gave me a wink and a wiggle of his eyebrows.

"Wanna fool around, Lu?"

Hell, when don't I?

But tonight, I have something different in mind. And he's just about to find out what.

I crawl up between his legs and start kissing him. When he tried to roll me over, I resist and lift his hands up to the headboard of the he can't grab me again.

Kept his lips occupied and Norman didn't notice until he heard the clicks.

"What the....Lu? "

He tried to bring his hands down but can't, they're secured in a lovely pair of pink padded handcuffs. He gave a couple of tugs, 'piss poor attempts'  I thought....before giving up. Lying back and licking his lips in anticipation.

'God, I hope I know what I'm doing'  I pray, tying a bandanna around his head and drawing it down over his eyes.

"Awwww?  Not fair, Lu!"  He cried out.

"Poor baby"  I coo back, turning the lights way down low.

Slip my gown off and pick up one of the soft feathers I hid in my bedside drawer.

He jumped when I touch it to his left hand. Start drawing it over his wrist, slowly down his arm....stopping at his armpit. Tickling him. His body twisted as he gasped and laughed.

I keep going slowly down his body to a foot then back up the inner thigh.

He's grown huge already and is bouncing around like a metronome, but I avoid that particular area completely. Repeat my feather trail on the other side of his body.

Then using a stiffer feather, I draw slow figure eight's on the soles of his feet before moving upwards again.

I swear I'm leaving snail trails wherever I go.

Because he can't see or touch, he's trying to listen....and guess where I'm going next. I sit near his thighs and his hips start to buck a bit. Instead, I lean over and trace the outline of his lips.

I twirl the feather in the whiskers of his chin.

There's a few greys sprouting now and with his shoulder-length hair all mussed up? My big lump of love looks so incredibly sexy. Lying here....biting his lip.

His Adam's apple bobbed up and down as I stroke his jaw and neck, heading down to his chest. When the stiff vane of the feather dragged across his nipples, Norman's groan is so deep it almost rattles the bed.

I give equal attention to both little marbles, stopping when his writhing becomes too much.

Down....down I go, following the indentation of his abs. They're standing out as the tension in his body is so great.

I've been in seventh heaven, playing with him for nearly half an hour. He's beyond distended now though and I'm afraid he might explode soon as I touch him. So, I reluctantly put the feathers aside for another night.

"Poor baby"  I coo again, blowing gently on the hairs of the heavy globes between his thighs.

"Jeezus,'re killing me "  Norman almost screamed.

Must admit, it's killing me now too.

Very softly and carefully, I position my chest over his face. Lower a nipple of my own to brush across his lips. He moved his head quickly and grasped it in his mouth, sucking greedily and giving me small nips.

I alternate breasts before pushing them together and he licked them like they're ice creams.

Letting my hair down, I move so it sways and trails across his chest. Like my feathers did.

So far? The only parts of me  that've touched him are my nipples and my hair.

So far....  😏

"No, please....I can't fucking take it no more. Lucy please...."  He cried piteously when I slowly move away again.

Standing on the bed and my feet place themselves carefully on either side of his hips. Then I crouch down slowly so I won't touch him with anything but my hand.

"Yessss, thank you Jeezus"  He hissed as my palm gripped, pointing him my way.

With my other hand, I slowly lean forward and release the bandanna from his eyes. He blinked a few times to adjust them, then squinted down at me.

I'm wearing lace.

Red lace, suspenders and silk stockings. As specifically requested by my man.

His eyes almost rolled back in his head and when he manages to focus on me again? The look on his face nearly makes me  explode.

"Gonna go for a ride, my bad Baby?"  He rasped.

"Say please."

"Plea...."  I lower myself down onto him. 

 It isn't easy, as this angle is making him feel even bigger than he already is.

"God how I love you, Lu."

I start rolling my hips while he raised his butt off the bed....making me moan more than ever.

When I scream out my pleasure, Norman hit the release clips on the cuffs and withdrew his hands. Without leaving me, he lifted us both up. Rolled me over and settled himself in.

Making his own pace which is fast and furious and we both almost passed out from panting so hard.

He groaned long and low as he lowered his face to mine. Our mouths crashed together....taking each other's breath.


Much later, he slowly drew off the little red teddy from my sweaty body. Peeled the stockings from my legs....kissing them all the way to my toes.

"Do you love me?"  He asked.

Knowing the answer but needing to hear me say it.

"I love you, Norman. More than you'll ever know"  I whisper back.

"I think I know, Baby....I'm pretty sure I know"  He climbed back up my body and wrapped me up in him.

"Leather next time?"  His lips begged against my neck.


The next morning, we stood outside Security and Passport Control at the airport. He can't go any further.

Norman hasn't bothered with any disguises, just his normal baseball cap and sunnies. So there's been quite a few interruptions from fans.

And now I'm aware of a few people taking snaps of us. But he's past caring. He took off his cap and glasses before giving me one of the most breathtaking kisses ever.

And when our faces part? His eyes were moist. But are mine.

"Call me as soon as you get there? Do what you gotta do, then come home Baby. Love you, miss you already."

He gave me another quick kiss and then glued his eyes on me as I walked through to the departure gate.

He didn't move an inch until I turned the last corner. When I gaze back to blow him a kiss? Norman raised his hands and wiped his eyes.

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