Chapter 13 - How Do You Get Orange Juice Stains Off....

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Norman's been gone for a little over ten days. And the house feels even quieter than it normally is. Three more days until he refills the huge hole he's left behind.

I finally managed to convince him, that I really want him to remain in the master bedroom. But he still had a major guilt trip going on.

So I asked him to start bringing up some boxes of my personal effects from the basement. I think he got over it sufficiently by climbing all those flights of stairs?

Cos he seems to have forgotten about the elevator. And once I saw him, with all those sweaty muscles under his skintight tee? I kinda forgot to remind him about it  😁  

But it was my turn to feel guilty later that morning. When he announced he had to go pack for his return to Georgia....and work tomorrow.

"Norman, I'm really sorry."

He waltzed into the kitchen where I'd set out the lunch I made for the both of us.

"Sweetheart, this pasta is delish. Thanks for making some for me too. Don't get what you're sorry for though, Luce?"

His voice and face showed equal confusion.

" finished filming then went straight to Japan for more work. Only had a few days to yourself when you came home. But you got dropped into the middle of a drama straight away. And now you're heading off, back to work again."

"I'm so sorry you had to spend all your precious downtime like that....because of me."


He came around the kitchen island, took me by the shoulders and turned me to face him. Before pulling me into his arms....wrapping them around me.

"Believe me when I say this. If I have to do it all again and again and again  just like my very own Groundhog Day? It'll always be a no-brainer. So quit it with the apologies....Ok? "

I nodded and he kissed me on the forehead again. Only he was a bit slower in releasing me from his grip this time.

I'm very much getting used to him hugging me, randomly or otherwise. Got this feeling that I'll miss them once he's gone. Miss him and them....a lot.

I do....a lot  😞


Made the decision. That his first day back at work? Will be mine as well.

I got up early and went downstairs to make breakfast. Norman clattered down five minutes later.

"Jackson's here already to take me to the airport so I gotta go. Where's your cell, Luce?"

I was confused but unlocked it and handed it over regardless. He put himself in as a contact....then sent himself a text.

"Got your  number now"  He grinned before hugging me once more.

Put his lips to my ear and whispered....

"You're home. And don't you ever forget, have my  number too."

Norman let me go and was off. Sprinting out the front door....a huggy tornado on two legs.

I absently buttered my toast. Getting ready to take a bite while I wait for the kettle to boil. Then came the thundering of his feet as he ran back in.

"Forgot this...."  He grabbed his jacket off the back of a kitchen chair.

"....and this...."

Kissed me fair and square on the lips for what felt like long, glorious minutes. But was actually only a second or two.

The Odd Couple - A Norman Reedus Fanfic RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now