Chapter 29 - Squeaky Clean

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I've been here for ten days now and it already feels like a second home. Though it won't be for much longer.

Cos Norman has his eye on another that's just about to come on the market. He's been hankering after it for ages, mostly for the privacy I think. This place is too suburban for his liking, and the neighbours are too close.

We bought another huge screen telly, some other bits and bobs and now his study is my home office too. Right now I'm planted in a chair, with both Eye and a keyboard on my lap.

The aircon and music are going hell for leather.

Norman flew out to L.A the day after I arrived.

A whirlwind round trip so he could do 'The Talking Dead'. A kind of after-episode talk show, as the first half of the latest series is currently being aired.

He wasn't scheduled to appear, but explained it'll be the best way to just get our news out there once and for all. Say his piece and be done with it. No other interviews regarding our impending nuptials.

Sasha phoned when it started and we watched it together. Both crying our boxes off once he started speaking about The fine line between actor, celeb and private person. Our privacy, how he hopes his fans will respect it....and me.

His words and the sound of love in his voice? I was more than overwhelmed.

I printed a photo of my puckered lips and lay it on his pillow. So he'd see it when he came into our bedroom around three AM. Shortly afterwards, I gave him the real thing.

Georgia is in the third day of a stinking hot Indian summer.

I'd hastily packed for late autumn weather but luckily had left enough summery clothes here on my last stay.

Poor Norman  ☹️

If only we had this weather last week. When he was doing a load of night scenes.

Would've been a lot more comfortable than what he's had to deal with over the last two long days. Basically being out in the full sun and steamy heat for most of the time.

It's normally about ten or eleven PM by the time he walks in the door. And even though he's had a shower in his trailer....he's dripping and droopy. So he has another before tumbling into bed.

I've honestly got no idea where he gets the energy to keep going with such a punishing schedule.

Two nights ago, I went into the guest bedroom that I'd used previously. Didn't want to disturb him by reading on my tablet.

But an hour later, just as I was just nodding off? He sleepily stumbled in. Scooped me up and carried me back.

"Can't sleep when you're not there with me"  He mumbled before grabbing my arm and wrapping it around him.

He was out in minutes.

In another five days, Hurricane LaLa is due to touch down. He took the news of my engagement pretty well considering. Must be mellowing?

Nup, I know better. Once an older brother....always an older brother. My poor hubby to-be....I don't know how on earth I can ever make this  one up to him.

My phone started to trill. It's only two PM?

"Hey, sweetheart! We got done early today, it's too damned hot and everyone's beat. Just gonna head off for my shower and come home. How about you and me slip into the pool for a while and then go grab some Thai?"

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