Chapter 22 - Green Eyed Monster

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Tomorrow dammit!

Tomorrow? I'm getting my butt out of this damn house!

I'm going stir-crazy and need to pound the pavement for a while. Soak up the last few rays of autumn before winter takes over altogether.

For the last two days, I've done exactly as I was told by the Doc....and rested up. Hate to admit it but when I found out how ill I've actually been? It really gave me a right old slap across the back of the head.

I'm still a little achy and have a lingering cough. But thankfully the brain aches and stuffed head are things of the past. And whilst I haven't quite gone cold turkey, I've cut back a fair bit on the smokes.

It's been hard going though, especially with the steady stream of visitors coming in and out. Soon as the word got became recuperation party central at the Ol' Reedus homestead.

Though I'm not too  sure if some of them actually rocked up to check on my health?

Flanery seemed more intent on giving Lucy a thorough going over. He flew in from Texas, just so he can act like a potential mother-in-law.

Lu took it all in her stride, giving him back as much as he dished out. Unaware that she's undergoing an audition of sorts.

Didn't take long until he was the proverbial putty....

"Pull your fucking finger out, bro! Because if you don't? Someone else will!"  He warned me as he was leaving.'s not for the want of fucking trying!

Lu gave up another bedroom for me.

"I'll move to the one next door until you're well enough to handle the stairs"  She explained, despite my protests.

And because of the nonstop visitors I can never get any time alone with her. Even at mealtimes, there are still people around. It seems our only time alone is when I'm in her bed....

....and she isn't  😔

So, I make my plans.

Knock back everyone who rings, asking if they can come over and see me tonight. Except for Ming of course. He's gonna have dinner with me and hang out for a couple of hours.

Then after he leaves? Well....I'm gonna tie her to a goddamn chair and force it out of her.

Get her to tell me what's wrong. Why she looks so sad even though she tries to hide it from me. Find out why the hell she's keeping her distance. she's afraid to be on her own with me?

It just doesn't make any sense. Did I do something else while I was out of it? Something more than an elbow to her eye?

We're best friends for crying out loud!

We always tell each other absolutely everything! I'm missing the fuck out of her. So why the hell won't she let me know what's wrong now?

But we'll get it sorted....I know we will.

Once that's all done, then I'm going to tell her I love her. Kiss her like I did when we were both half asleep that first time. Then....then....

But like all best-laid plans they got....well....laid?


"'s the second most gorgeous man on earth? And how are you  feeling today, Reedus?"

Sasha waltzed into the lounge, gave Ming a smooch and me an air kiss. She has a garment bag slung over her shoulder and is dragging an overnighter on wheels.

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