Chapter 11 - Happiness Isn't Happiness Without A Violin Playing Goat

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We talked for another hour or so over more tea and coffee. Gently getting to know each other a little bit.

I guess he's subtly trying to find out if I have any big 'dealbreakers'  going on in my life that might affect our new arrangement.

He'll find out for himself soon enough. That I'm as boring as they come, ergo I have no actual life to speak of.

He told me about his son Mingus and I can hear his incredible love for him in every word.

I adore being with kids....sometimes a lot more than I enjoy being with adults. So I find myself looking forward to meeting Norman's son more and more as he speaks about him.

For a guy who seems quite humble about his fame and all that? The look on his face when he had to explain the whole Walking Dead, Daryl Dixon thing to me....was priceless.

Even after I admit that I rarely get to watch telly nowadays? He seemed a bit....not quite piqued. But like his ego had lost a tiny bit of air? Not that he comes across as egotistical.

Quite the opposite in fact.

When Norman talks about his work and the many things he has on the go, he comes across as incredibly conscientious. About giving everything his all.

I just wonder how he finds the time to do everything.

He gave a grimace when his phone rang. So far, he's ignored all its little pings and other noises.

"Sorry,'s work. I really have to take this one."

And with that, he wandered out into the lounge.

I climbed down from my chair and tidied up the kitchen with Eye sinuously curling around my ankles. Hoping for a treat or another cuddle.

Norman is stunned at how much he's taken to me....unheard of apparently. But I learnt a long time ago. That the more you ignore them? The more a cat wants to be with you.

Love in small doses is the key. Though it's hard because all I want to do is stick my face in his belly and purr.

Sasha keeps telling me men should be treated exactly the same as cats. But I don't think I can ever be that cruel.

I shake my head to clear it. When a vision of me nuzzling Norman's tummy pops in.

Jeezus, Lucy!

My eyes wander around the kitchen and I'm kinda amazed actually. At how neat it is. Pretty much spotless actually.

Guess it's mean of me. To have automatically assumed Norman's housekeeping skills will be akin to Sasha's brothers, or even my own big one.

The only way you can get them to throw their rubbish in a bin? Tell them it's the equivalent of playing beer pong.

Norman said he calls a cleaning service occasionally. Was happy when I told him my friend will start back next week with her family. Happiness turned into ecstasy when he found out Thuy often cooks extra Vietnamese food for me.

And now by default....him.


'Well, Lucy-Loo. You better get on with it'  I thought, picking up a suitcase and heading upstairs.

I opened the door of my favorite guestroom and went to push one of my bags in with my foot....

Okaaaay, not this one then.

It's jam-packed with clothes, toys, a laptop, a big TV screen with an Xbox and  a PlayStation. Everything a growing eleven-year-old boy needs nowadays.

The Odd Couple - A Norman Reedus Fanfic RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now