Chapter 39 - The Thin Blue Line(s)

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"You want WHAT?"

I stare at him as if he's mad and believe me....anyone seeing him right now will think the same.

Norman is still looking pretty feral, with his long unwashed hair pointing in every direction and scruffy beard. His skin is still sallow and eyes remain puffy.

Yet they're crinkling up now. Thanks to the huge smile plastered all over his face.

"You just do your business and I'll duck the cup under"  He ordered.

And he did it so matter-of-factly to boot. As he crouched in front of me and spread my knees....eager to dive his hand in.

"Whoa, mister. You just go and hold your horses there. I can't simply pee on demand you know. And having you hovering over me like a seagull eyeing off a chip? You're giving me performance anxiety, Reedus!"

My throat is croaky from repeatedly saying hello to Ralph. Only now it's rising in he bounces on his haunches in....anticipation?

"Why would a pharmacist want a urine sample? I mean, if it's Giardia or something, surely I'll be doing more than throwing up and feeling off-colour? What exactly did they say when you told them? Wouldn't a doctor want me to do this instead?"

I'm hell confused.

"So you can't pee then, Lu?"

When I shake my stood. Swept me up in his arms before sitting on the toilet seat with me snuggled in his lap.

"Ok, I can wait a bit."

"Norman Reedus! You're starting to scare the shit out of me. What on earth did...."  He cut me off and simply held me tight, while kissing me on the head.

" long have you been throwing up? With the bug that is?"

"Ummmm, on and off. A couple of weeks or so maybe? It's not really bad, mightn't even be a bug at all. Probably stress and not sleeping much. It just hits....with a lot of nausea for a while. Then it goes."

"I was feeling a bit funky when I woke. Then....I think it was maybe the smell of bacon? What did the pharmacist say? Did they give you something for me to take?"

I peer up at his face, only to see him smiling gently at me now. Surely if I'm really sick and he's worried....he wouldn't be looking at me like he is?

"The only other time I ever saw you sick? Well....that was self-inflicted. Eight weeks ago?"  He asked.

"Self-inflicted my ass, Norman!  You and Greg got me legless. Just so you could have your wicked way with me later."

"Hmmmm, very wicked way're one hell of an accomplished pole dancer. I'll have to get one installed in our bedroom soon as we get home. When did you have your last period, Lu?"

His sudden change of subject threw me right off and I pull out from his grip a bit so I can look him properly in the face. As my forehead started to crease.

"What the? Ummmm....ummmm...."

I'm really having to think on it and that's not at all like me. Cos I'm usually regular as clockwork, can almost memorise the dates it'll happen on for each year.

I remember the one just before making love with Norman for the first time. Then....a week after I got here? Well it was just a couple of spots really, so that one doesn't count I s'pose. Again, I put it down to stress.

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