Chapter 23 - Well....At Least Now I Know

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Jackson insisted that I sit in the back of his town car tonight.

Said it won't be proper for a girl who looks like a mermaid princess to clamber out of the front seat.

I told him he should just strap me to the roof and slide me off. Because even getting out of the back seat in this dress is going to take a shitload of maneuvering.

Damn you, Sasha!

I know bloody well that she did this deliberately.

If we don't have the time to go shopping for an event like this? She usually brings around three or four dresses from her cousin's lovely evening wear store. We choose the one I'll buy to wear and return the others.

Today she only bought the one....and  rocked up late. So, I didn't even have a chance to delve into my wardrobe. Make an alternate selection from those I've worn to previous events.

But I can almost  forgive her....because of her sheer artistry with make-up. She somehow managed to obliterate my awful black eye. Though it's slowly turned more purple, green and yellow over the last couple of days.

Almost forgive her!

Creeping down the stairs I felt pretty embarrassed and rather too much on display. As I've never worn anything so revealing, slinky and form-fitting before.

But when Mingus and Helena told me I'm beautiful, looked at me with such admiration? I actually felt like I was flying.

There should've been a film crew in the lounge room. Because my flaming plunge back down to earth would be worthy of an Air Crash Investigation episode.

And with it, went the minuscule sliver of hope that I've been desperately holding onto for the last few days.

Norman didn't even look at me at first....or say a single word. Just nodded as if some kind of response is expected. But he only did that after Helena prodded him.

And when he did  eventually deign to throw a brief glance my way? I can only pray that I managed to conceal my humiliated reaction.

Cos he didn't even bother to hide his own totally disgusted one  😢


Tonight's charity is one that helps kids who are being bullied due to physical impairments. And's one that I can really relate to.

It was bad enough growing up with a stutter like an idling chainsaw. But having a brain as well? I was advanced through the grades in the state school. Graduated when I was three years younger than the rest of my class.

I went through those horrible school days shunned and feeling like an outcast. With a shyness that almost made me a mute.

Yeah....I remember exactly what it was like to be bullied. Remember it only too well.

Luckily, Sasha's Mum found a lovely man who helped me. A retired speech therapist who was very happy to earn himself some money on the side for private consultations. 

I still see Jeremiah regularly, think I'll always need his help. 

Anyways, Sash sometimes comes to these events with me, the ones that our foundation supports. Or one of her brothers, usually Zeke....will be my partner for the evening.

But tonight I'm going it alone. Because Sasha has a meeting with one of Jacob's teachers. And I really can't ask Zeke anymore....won't be fair. Not now he's found himself a steady girlfriend.

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