Chapter 1 - Home

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When I heard his voice calling up the stairs I raced down one floor. Then slid the rest of the way down the banister. Before scooting over the tiles in the foyer.

"Hey, bud. Whaddya think? C'mon....let's go choose you a room first."

In my excitement at having him here with me, I almost forgot to give him a kiss. Make up for that lapse now though.

Pulling back, I spot his mother standing on the top step. Stretching her neck to breaking point almost, trying to peer around.

"Hello, Helena"  I gave a polite peck on the cheek she tilted towards me.

"Well I must say, Norman....never knew that acting in a television show about zombies paid so well?"

Tried hard not to roll my eyes at her slight dig. She squeezed past before I could stop her and kept on going into the formal living room.

"It's a lease. I told you that when we made arrangements for this weekend."

I planted myself in front of her, so she couldn't continue any further with her explorations.

Since breaking up, we've managed to keep our relationship civil and friendly for Ming's sake. But sometimes she makes it hard going for me. Especially if she thinks there's a woman in my life.

Hel has a selective memory and 'forgets'  at times. That she's  the one who broke it off with me, not the other way around.

But today? I've got way too much happening to let her just waltz on in. Then stick herself and her suddenly disapproving nose into my new personal space.

Mine and Mingo's new personal space, I mean.

"Are you not going to let me look around, Norman? I'd like to see where Mingus is going to be living if you don't mind."

Luckily, Ming has wandered upstairs on his own. She tried to step past again but I quickly put out a hand and stopped her.

"The moving guys are here now, Hel. So there's no time. Once Mingus selects his room and we have things set up? Then he can show you around himself. But not today if you don't mind."

I shepherd her back towards the front door. Just as three huge men who looked like the offspring of lumberjacks stomped up from the sidewalk.

Talk about timing!

"I'll text you when I'm ready to pick him up, Norman."

"When Ming is ready to return? I'll  text you with a time that suits and bring him back, Helena."

She took one disdainful look at removalists filing through the doorway. Turned....then fled down the stairs and hopped into a waiting town car.

Remind me to give these guys a huge tip? Cos they sure can remove things in a hurry  😉


"You gotta plan, Mr Reedus?"  One of them asked.

I hand over a mud map of the house that corresponds to the numbered boxes in the truck. The rest of the stuff will be taken through the garage to the basement. I'll move it into the remaining storage rooms myself.

"Efficient....I like that. Makes our job a shitload easier. Ok, let's get on with it boys"  They all trudged down the steps again.

Some furniture and things I don't need or want are staying in my old apartment. It now has a two-year lease on it and my new tenants are moving in next weekend.

The Odd Couple - A Norman Reedus Fanfic RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now