Chapter 5 - War Of The Roses

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When he yelled back at me? I throw my water bottle at his head, as hard as I possibly can. He ducked and it flew past his ear.

As soon as it left my hand I ran over to my bedside table. Wrenching open the top drawer.

Frantically searching for the small stun gun and can of mace. Sasha gave them to me the first night I slept here on my own.

"Please....please....where the fuck are they?"

I babble to myself as my hands move down to the next drawer. Nothing is familiar. Where's my reading tablet, the chunk of smoky quartz....the teddy bear Gran gave to me when I was born?

I can see him out of the corner of my eye. Slowly making his way to his feet.

Lordy, he really IS only wearing boxers and now he's tucking himself back in! Trying to rather....

How in hell did he manage to get all the way up here without the alarm going off? Get undressed and into bed with me?


He touched me, kissed me....

....and I kissed him back. Was just about to do a whole heap more than that in fact!


He's at the foot of my bed now, walking slowly towards me with his hands outstretched. I can't hear a thing, only the breaths dragging themselves in and out of my lungs.

And my voice, desperately stuttering over and over....

"Don't! Ddddon't....please....just ggggo."

I've only felt this helpless once before in my life....and that'd only been a week ago.

I stand up next to my bedside table. Take in another deep breath before I prepare to take a run at him. Try to knock him down and maybe make it to the door?

Or the hidden panel in the walk-in robe, so I can trigger the silent alarm? Yep, yep! Much better thinking, Lucy.

I'll jump on the mattress to avoid him then leap off the other side. Be there in a flash, pressing the button before he even realises. 

I balled my hands into fists, took a single step....

....and knew no more....


I get to her just before her upper body hits the shag pile.

Knew she was going down. Her face went so pale and those eyes seemed to lose focus. Then she just....crumpled.

Green, green eyes....

I move as fast as I can. My hands grab her shoulders when her head lolls forward. I gently lay her down then sprint to the bathroom. Shove a hand towel under the cold water.

Wring it out and fill up a glass, carry both back to the room.

Lifting her head gently, I start wiping her face and neck with the damp towel.

"What in the fucking hell just happened, Reedus?"  I ask out loud.

Did some crazy woman just break into my house and jump into bed with me? But if she's a stalker fan....then why did she ask who I am? She'd already know, wouldn't she?

And she said, 'my bedroom'.

My bedroom?

God! Her face? She looked aghast at first, as if realising what almost happened between us? Then furious. Then suddenly....absolutely terrified. Like she thought I'm gonna keep on doing....

The Odd Couple - A Norman Reedus Fanfic RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now