Chapter 27 - What's So Social About Media?

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"Son? You look like a man who dropped a quarter and found himself a million bucks!"

Jackson chuckled as he peered my way in the rear vision mirror.

"A billion"  I reply with a laugh.

Then my face dropped, realising what I'd just said. God, I hope he doesn't think that I....?

He's watching me still.

"You know that it's not....that I'm not marrying her for...."  Jackson cut me off.

"Norman, anyone who knows you two and sees how you are together? Well, the thought wouldn't even cross their minds. And the rest of them? They can all go to hell!"

"Besides you know Lucy. She wasn't born with a silver spoon in her mouth. Her folks had just enough to live on and raise those kids. But they had love and that's all that mattered. You got that? Then you're the richest man on earth."

"I should know....I'm Bill Gates."

We both crack up laughing.

"So, how did it go last night?"

Last night? Oh yeah, he means Ming and Helena. I'm scattered. Still on a high from all that's happened but coasting low at leaving her behind.

"Yeah good....really good. Little man is thrilled to bits and his Mom's pretty happy too."

I did have a small worry, about how she'd take finally getting married that is. But she seems a lot calmer nowadays. And Lucy had told me about Helena calling her up a few times a day when I was sick.

Giving her support.

And I know she encourages Ming to have Jacob come over to join in with his other friends. From what I've heard the little fella is a hit.

Sasha and Helena are hitting it off too. But then, Hel probably didn't have a choice. Because when Sash gets in your space....there ain't no evicting her 😉 

"Well, at least that's one lot down. You prepared yourself for my nephew yet?"

"Say what Jackson?"  I was really confused now.

"Lucy's brother....Lafayette. LaLa. Son, you're off on another planet aren't you. Yep, that's how it was with me and Etta. Couldn't wipe the smile off my face or get her out of my head. Still can't."

"Yeah, I mean no....I we haven't told Lucy's brother yet. She's going to ring him this morning before she tells Sash and her folks. I don't understand though, she told me her brother is adopted. So how can he be your nephew?"

Have I missed something?

"Well, son of a niece actually. She passed away....drugs....just terrible. So me and Etta took him on for a while. Smart as a whip, just like our Lucy."

"But when he was nine, started falling in with the wrong sort. Trying to pretend he's something different to what he's always meant to be, silly boy. Got so bad we sent him off to Harry, Alice and Lucy. To get him away from the gang influence."

"They took him in without a second thought. Like I said....lotta love in that house."

"Well I never knew that, Jackson."

Me and my Baby have a bit more talking and getting to know each other to do I think?

That and a whole lot of other things  😏

I haven't met him yet. Every time he's flown over to New York I've been in Georgia. Never even seen a photo of him. Cos most of Lucy's personal possessions are still in the basement.

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