Chapter 35 - Out Of Service

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"You nervous, man?"

I glance at Sean, who's grinning hugely. Mingus is standing behind him....fidgeting and looking so very grown up in his new suit.

"Nope"  My grin is super-sized.

"Just can't wait to see my Baby. Feels like it's been fucking months."

I peer impatiently down the short aisle between all the chairs in our lounge. Towards the double doors where she'll make her grand entry. Then gaze over our assembled guests, who are murmuring in excitement.

Andy catches my eye and blows me a smile-filled kiss.

Shaking my head in fond exasperation I give him the thumbs up. But my forehead scrunches into a frown when the constant beeping of a phone starts up.

Turn back to Flanery. Ready to ask him to track it down....and throw it out the window....


The beeping stops when my hand slams down on the alarm clock. Toppling it off my bedside table and onto the carpet.

Pinching the bridge of my nose, all air puffs from my lungs when I realise. In my dream? I said it feels like months since I'd seen her.

It is.

Two months to be exact. That's when I kissed her goodbye at the airport in Atlanta....before she got on her flight to Tokyo. And today?

Today she was gonna become my wife.


I sat up and swung my feet out of bed, catching my reflection in the full-length mirror. Don't need to see it to know I look like death warmed up.

Huge bags are under my eyes and long hair hangs in rat's tails, complementing a scruffy beard. Plus a mouth that now seems to be permanently turned down.

Had a quick shower and got dressed, slipping the necklace over my head before I walk out the door. As I stumble downstairs to the kitchen, I feel the ring softly scraping my chest as it sways on the chain.

Lucy's ring. Her engagement longer on the finger that was supposed to be its forever home.

That Saturday morning. Hearing Mingus tell me Lu was home....then seeing this little golden circle of commitment? don't have to be Einstein to work out what must've happened huh!

She swore she'd do her best to come home from Tokyo, so we could have the weekend together. And she did.



I carried my espresso, smokes and phone out to the courtyard. Sat on the steps leading to the small gazebo. It's freezing out and I'm barefoot....only I don't feel it. Hadn't felt a single fucking thing since the awful truth hit me that morning.

Sorry, that's a lie. Agony, desperation and loneliness fill just about every waking and unconscious second of my days now.

Took a drag on my cigarette, panting through the pain as my heart clenches in misery. But mine is probably nothing compared to what Lu must've felt....will be feeling right now.

I tried putting myself in her shoes.

Imagining myself quietly opening up the door to our bedroom. Smiling in anticipation at seeing her....then sneaking softly across the carpet. Silently undressing as I go.

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