Chapter 18 - Me Barnum....You Bailey

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"Dad....DAAAAD...."  Mingus yelled frantically through the door of my darkroom.

"Mom's here....and I think she's gonna kill Lucy."


I wrench open the door and race up the stairs.

Was just about to step into the hallway when a small figure rushed past me. Planted himself between a screaming Helena and a dumbstruck, shaking Lucy.

"You ith being a mean bully to my friend Goothey and yelling at her. Thay you're thorry now Mithuth Minguthmom! "  Jakey's lispy little voice wobbled out the order.

Lucy put her hands on his shoulders and drew him back to her. Helena peered down. The look on her furious face changed to one of shock....and then a softening shame. Once she realises she's being chastised by a child.

I use the opportunity to get between them all.

"Well said, Tiger! How about you take Goosey and Ming into the kitchen. Look after them for me? While I have a little chat with Mithuth....Mrs  Mingusmom"  I whisper to him gently and he nodded.

Turned and grabbed Lucy's hand, led her away. Ming gazed back over his shoulder towards his Mom and me. With eyes full of fear and sadness.

"It's Ok, kiddo. Go with Jacob and Luce. Mom and I are gonna have a little talk"  He nodded miserably and followed.


I grab Helena by the arm and drag her into the study.

"Sit!"  I bark, yanking out a chair for her.

"What in the fuck is wrong with you?  Screaming your head off and threatening people in front of kids for fuck's sake"  I'm way furious with her, yet manage somehow to keep my voice down.

"Wrong with me? Who is that woman....and why is she in your house? You agreed to run all introductions of my son to your female 'friends'  with me in attendance!"

"If you'd behaved rationally, Helena? You would've found out the answers to your questions a lot easier and more civilly than this."

"Firstly, that 'woman'  is Lucy. She owns this house and is now my housemate. Has her own busy life that isn't part of mine....end of story. I was going to introduce her to both you and Ming together. Before bringing him back here for the weekend."

"But your actions put a spanner in those works. You took off before that could happen."

"Secondly, that 'woman'  looked after 'our'  son for a whole three days. When you went and left him all on his own before flying off overseas."

"What do you mean....on his own? "  She stared back at me in horror.

"You sent me a message an hour before you got on the plane, Helena. Knowing full well I was down in Georgia. Only I never got the damn text....because my phone got smashed up."

"Fuck!  You know I'll move heaven and earth to be with him. But why the hell didn't you wait until you heard back from me? Confirmed everything with you before you even booked your flight!"

"If Lu hadn't  been here? Then Ming would've been all on his own. I would've known fuck all about it."

"And you would've been in another fucking country altogether!"

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