Chapter 3 - Sayonara

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"Arigatou gozaimasu."

The young girl dressed as a walker bowed to me as she backed away towards the photo stand.

"Kochira koso arigatou gozaimasu"  I reply with a smiling bow to her astonished face.

Have never forgotten the Japanese I learnt. When I moved here as a teen years ago with my Mom and sister. It never gets rusty. Because I'm forever returning to this gorgeous country which fascinated me long before I ever lived in it.

"That's the last one, Mr Reedus. Thank you so much for staying longer and I'm sorry we ran a bit behind."

Charlie, one of the young ushers or minders rather....led me backstage.

"I'll take you to your car now, Sir. You'll be back at your....ummmm....hotel in ten minutes."

I need to stretch, and I'm desperate for some fresh air. In a few hours, I'll be on a plane headed back to New York and home.

"Naaaah. It's all good, Charlie. Just point me to the nearest door. I feel like walking."

Have an hour to kill before leaving for the airport anyways, so the stroll will do me good.

Got me a second look of astonishment in less than a minute. Charlie stuttered a little then finally escorted me to the main exit. The Walker Stalker convention has now closed and the crowds are finally gone.

"Thanks for looking after me these last cupla days, Charlie. You did great. Take care now"  I grabbed his hand and shook it.

Going through the revolving door I gasped when the freezing air hit me.

'Yep, winter is on the way'  I thought, lighting a cigarette.

Hitched my pack over a shoulder and started moving two very weary feet.


I arrived in Tokyo a few days early so I could catch up with some friends.

The convention people wanted to put me up at the Aman with the rest of the cast and execs. Were almost aghast when I said I'd already organised my own a little ryokan I know well.

When I'm not working I just want to get out and about. Wander the streets taking photos and chatting with the locals. You can't do that if you're stuck in a six-star hotel. Slap bang in the middle of a luxury tourist precinct.

And the best things are often found when you just....get lost.

It's been a good week.

The Japanese are fucking nuts when it comes to their own pop culture. But they went over the top ballistic when the TV version of 'The Walking Dead'  comic was released.

Tokyo went all out with their welcome, in their own polite and well-organised fashion. I never stop being amazed at how fans react differently in every country.

I cross a rickety wooden bridge over a floating lantern-filled canal, stopping briefly to snap off a few photos. Then turn into the street where my ryokan is.

This little old suburb is gradually shrinking as shiny Tokyo expands. With every visit, I notice the difference. And it makes me long for what once was.

Snap out of it, Reedus!

I give my head a shake. Almost set my beard alight with sparks from my cigarette.

Over the last few months? Shit....I've been feeling like I'm going through the male version of menopause! Manopause?

And I did something unheard of. Actually dragged myself  to the doctor  😲

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