Chapter 37 - Is That A Gun In Your Pocket?

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I flew down the rest of the stairs. After I grabbed hold of the baseball bat I'd placed near the front door.

A few whacks of that on the porch fence? Usually sends my fat little furry fiend flying.

Went to run through the open door but hit a brick wall instead.

"Fuck"  I yelled....continuing my 'F'  word theme as I bounce backwards.

Two arms grab me around the waist to keep me from falling over completely.

Don't need to raise my eyes to see who has hold of me. I recognise his scent better than any bloodhound.

"Let me go and get the fuck out of this house....right now!"  I order his chest angrily.

"No I fucking won't and no I fucking won't, you little bitch"  He yelled back, holding me even tighter.


"I'm gonna send that man limping back to New York minus his balls. Wonder how his little bed buddy Ho will fucking like him then, huh?"

" ARE  a little bitch! I'm not going back to New York without you and she's not my fucking bed buddy."

"And if you even THINK of going anywhere near my balls without my permission? Then you won't be able to sit on your backside for a week!"  He yelled angrily while giving me a little shake.

Oh shit! I've gotten so used to talking aloud to myself in the cabin....I haven't stopped.

"You've got no right to storm in here and threaten me, you asshole. Not after what you did"  I can do angry yelling just as well as he can.

"So I suggest you...."

I stop dead mid-sentence when I finally notice it. His puffy snow jacket is half open revealing a denim shirt underneath. And lying on top of that is a silver chain.

From which dangles my engagement ring.

Peering up at his face in confusion, my heart stops.

Oh my he sick again?

Norman's hair is greasy and almost dreadlocked. His beard is so feral and unkempt it makes him look like a wild man. Face is so thin, cheeks are hollows and his eyes are saddled with huge bags.

And those eyes now spurt a flood of tears as he peers down at me.

"God, Lucy....thank fuck you're Ok. You left and I died. Thought I'll never find you again....was so fucking scared I'd lost you!"

"I'm so sorry, Baby. I know what you saw....why you left. But it's not....thank God....thank fuck I found you...."  He bawled almost incoherently, crushing me to his chest.

He's so thin? Can feel his ribs as my hands creep of their own accord around his back.


I pulled them away and push against him firmly. Enough to put some space between me and his shaking body. I can't look at his face anymore, it simply hurts too much.

"Yes....I saw and I left. And you've seen for yourself that I'm fine. So just go....Ok? Leave me alone and go right now, Norman."

I wasn't yelling anymore, but I'm resolute. After all....I died too....

The Odd Couple - A Norman Reedus Fanfic RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now