Chapter 10 - Go Fish!

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I watch him surreptitiously, as he moves around the kitchen with incredible grace.

Humming a tune happily under his breath. Getting cups out of the cupboard, boiling the kettle. Making tea for me and coffee for himself.

It's so strange and surreal almost?

That I don't feel a bit weird or possessive even. That he's doing all this. In what was a couple of days ago, in my mind that kitchen.

And even weirder still that I'm not being made to feel like a guest in my own house. Norman is behaving as if this is where I should be. Like we're both in....our own home?

This lovely, kind man seems to be always on the move. Even when sitting down, his hands can't keep still. It's like they have minds of their own.

This is the first time I can actually get a really  good look at him....take him in fully. And despite all the emotions of today....well....for such a long time? I find I'm enjoying these few quiet minutes almost too much.

He isn't a lot taller than me, a few inches maybe? Darkish, slightly spiky hair with a beard and moustache. Not full-on furry but just a perfect amount.

Very  handsome. Not that I've really judged guys because of their looks before, but I  think he is anyway. Wonder if he's ever modelled?

Incredible body, chest so wide....

Whoops, that was way too close!

Norman almost caught me ogling him, so I quickly glue my eyes back on my lap.

Okies! Go for it again, Lucy-Loo. You're safe now his back is turned.

Oh....golly Jeez!

The view from this side is just as spectacular. And those shoulders....? I blush like hell, remembering how they'd  felt under my palms....

Once Jackson deposited both us and my bags inside the door, then left us to it?

I felt more than a little bit awkward and ill at ease. But Norman took charge.

"Hey, Luce! Why don't we go change out of these duds and meet in the kitchen? I'm dying for a hot brew."

He ran upstairs while I remained rooted to the spot in the foyer. Not knowing where on earth to go. I mean I knew but....oh dear....


I grabbed one of my bags and slid into the study. Changed into my comfiest jeans and a tee. Without thinking, I threw on my cat slippers. They're a much-loved gift from Sasha and Jacob.

Norman strolled into the kitchen wearing basically the same, only shoeless. He grinned when he saw my footwear. But then his face kind of....fell?

"Oh shit, Luce! I forgot to tell you. Ummmm, I hope with those slippers it means you like cats? Because, well....I have one."

And here he is now.

Snuggled contentedly on my lap. While I continue to absently stroke his black fur and scritch under his chin as he purrs up a storm.

I adore cats but haven't had one since before I moved to New York. Because I travelled about a fair bit, I thought it'd be cruel to constantly shunt one off to a cattery.

"Thank you, this is just what I need"  Norman handed me a mug of tea.

He came back with his coffee and a plate of grilled cheese sandwiches. I didn't even see him make them, too busy perving probably. He sat opposite me on the other side of the kitchen island.

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