Chapter 32 - Porcelain Kiss

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"I hate your fucking guts, Reedus!"

He flipped me the bird and then sniggered, before waltzing his naked butt downstairs.

While I groan and bury my face in the bowl again. This wretched stomach of mine is trying its hardest to turn itself into an origami crane. My hair is sticking to the toilet seat....well some of it anyways. The rest is floating lazily in the dark blue water of the toilet.

I thought best friends are supposed to hold it you toss your cookies?  🤢

When I'm reasonably confident there's no more to come for the time being, I crawl over to the shower. Sit on the damp tiles and turn the taps on. I almost cry when the water hits a million acupuncture needles dropped from above.

I swear upon everything I hold sacred....that I'll never touch tequila again for the rest of my life!

The most I've ever drunk before is four breezers with Sash. And they're usually soaked up by pizza and chocolate.

I've never been so rat assed or hungover. EVER!  Until last!

I blame him and Greg. They told me it's so low in alcohol that they give it to babies and grandmothers. Called me a wimp, then basically tipped the bottle down my throat.

That's pretty much the last thing I remember  😵‍💫

Holding onto the shower rail, I rise to my feet and start soaping....shampooing. Trying to make myself feel human again.


"Lu....are you wearing my clothes?"  Norman peered at me with a big grin as I shuffle into the kitchen.

"Don't talk to me...."  I moan, letting my head hit the kitchen bench.

Doesn't matter how much he drinks, Norman is always as bright as a button the next day.


"Poor Baby"  He took my chin in his hand.

"Open mouth...."  I did and he popped two tablets in.

Held a glass to my lips, making me splutter.

"What the hell was that?"

"Red Bull. It gives you wings. Not that you need any, my little butterfly. Drink up, there's my good girl."


I recognise that tone. He's got something real good on me and he's not gonna let it slide. Norman sat opposite me and....gloated.

Last night we had a little celebration. The guys from Norman's work put it on in honour of our engagement. Also, to celebrate reaching the halfway point in the latest filming schedule.

Everyone showed up....they love a party. And so does LaLa.

He was going to stay in Georgia for five days but had to cut it back to two and get home. As the big deal is now sealed.

He left this morning. Ummmm  at least....I think he did?

Thank goodness he and my hubby-to-be hit it off. I was more than a bit worried there for a while. But Norman said he politely put LaLa's big brother act back in its box, where it belongs.



I gasp in horror as he strolled around the kitchen bench. Scooped me up in his arms. Laughing until he cried.

The Odd Couple - A Norman Reedus Fanfic RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now