Chapter 38 - Growing Pains

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Slung my bag over one shoulder and crouched slightly to sling Grizzly Adams over the other one. She growled just like a bear cub.

Ignoring her protests, I carry her inside and drop her onto the couch before turning to the fireplace. Make a start on warming the place up. Soon the hearth is full of flaming logs.

"When was the last time you ate?"  She asked softly and I hear the shame in her voice.

"Lu...."  I start to warn her.

"No, Norman. You have to let me....I'm sorry....I truly am."

"I heard you....Ming and I know the truth now. I know that she started this...."

"....but I'm the one who ran!  Ran away like a coward! Just didn't think. Well, except for when I was imagining all these horrible things."

"I should've stayed!  Waited for you to....Oh I don't know....I should've stayed that's all. Even if it was to hear the worst. But I ran and hurt you....hurt all of you."

"Oh God!  I hate myself, that I ddddid that to you. How could I've just thrown away mmmmy trust llllike that?"

Lu covered her face with her hands. Can't bear to hear or watch her beating herself up any more, have to stop it now. For both our sakes.

I crawled over on my knees and drew her down to the rug with me. Tucked her head into my shoulder as I wrapped her in my arms.

"I'm not gonna lie to you, Luce. Not knowing where you were....if you were safe? That was bad, really bad. I couldn't sleep or eat."

"God, I was so afraid that I'll never ever see you again. Kiss you, have you love me....ever again. Never been so terrified in all my life!"

"But the worst? Was knowing how much you hurt. Because of what you thought had happened. I mean, seeing a naked sleeping woman next to me. Cos I know you love me as much as I love you...."

I couldn't finish.

"Yeah, that was....but it was more what she ddddid when she saw...."  Her voice stopped.

I wince, hearing her stutter again. Saw the look on her face as she remembered. Hang on. Did Lu just say that....DIDI ACTUALLY SAW HER?

I'd wanted her to stop with the recriminations....except now I have to know.

"What do you mean....what did she do? Baby, what happened?"  I ask the question softly....only I've got this feeling.

And my fuse was lit.

"When she saw me? She gave this....this smile. Like you're a prize and she'd won. And...."  Lu shuddered so I tighten my grip.

"When I went to leave, to cccclose the door she waved at me....bbbblew me a kiss. And....and when she touched you? That's when I just stopped....thinking....ffffeeling."

"I ran, Norman....I ran!"

"Instead of trusting you? I ran away like a useless coward. Hhhhurt you, Ming and everyone else. I'm sssso sorry."

I closed my eyes and breathe through the utter fury. Not at Lu though....never ever angry at Lu.

But now I have to be forceful and put my foot down.

"No more, Luce. I said that more. No more sorry's and no more guilt."

"We're here, she's not. Never was....and never will be. It's just you, me and our family Baby. That's all I ever wanted and that's what I've got. I love you, Lu."

The Odd Couple - A Norman Reedus Fanfic RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now