Chapter 24 - That's Me Told!

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"Did it all go well, little one?"  Jackson asked, peering at me via the rear vision mirror as he pulls away from the curb.

"Yeah. Me and Arya bought the house down."

I spot the reflection of his concerned look. Whenever I say her name? He knows the mood I'm in....

Ummmm, maybe I haven't mentioned this before but aaaah....I'm slow to anger. But when I do....I kinda go off like a pressure cooker.

And right now? My very own, private self-pity party of the last few hours is providing all the steam required for me to be furious....

....with myself.

When we parked at the house Jackson held the door open, grabbing my hand to haul me off the rear seat. I'm barefoot stilettos are clutched tight in the other hand.

"Tomorrow night we'll be having Southern Fried Chicken, Mash, Biscuits, Gravy, Collard Greens and Creamed Corn. Might even be a Shoofly Pie in there somewhere. All the birthday girl's favourites. Hope Mr Norman likes them as well?"  Jackson asked.

"Tell Etta not to go to any trouble for me. And Norman won't be coming, sorry for the late notice. Night, Jackson. Thanks for staying up for me. See you both tomorrow....I love you"  I whisper, kissing his chubby cheek and waddling up the stairs.

"But, when I spoke to him a little while ago....he said wild horses couldn't keep him away. What changed his mind?"  He called out after me.

"He didn't change it....I did. Night."

I closed the door.


Jackson got out his mobile and hit the speed dial.

"She's inside now. I wish you the very best of luck, son. Because you sure as hell are gonna need it. Lucy's in a fighting mood, she's armed....and dangerous."

He chuckled at the response before hanging up, getting in the car and driving off.


As soon as I got in my room I tore the band off my head.

Damned thing is digging into those spots just behind my ears. And the ponytail is so tight, it's almost giving me a facelift.

I lower my head towards the floor and run my fingers through my hair. Before tossing it back and shaking. Spy my reflection in the mirror....looking like a wild woman.

It matches my mood.

What now?

The phone in my purse started to vibrate and beep indicating a text message. I consider ignoring it. Then give a huff of annoyance as I yank it out and unlock it.

It's him.

'Lu? Up on the roof....having a smoke. Door locked behind me. Be a doll....?'

Be a....? Having a SMOKE?? DOES THAT GUY NEVER LEARN????

'Key. Flower pot - sun lounge'  I type back.

Screw him!

'Bedroom....forgot to put back earlier'


I stomp up the stairs. Well, as best one can stomp in this damn dress. Muttering under my breath all the way.

Shoved the door open so hard that it banged against the stairwell wall with an almighty crash. But it stays ajar and doesn't bounce to a close again.

"OPEN!"  I yell, turning to make my way back downstairs.

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