Chapter 34 - Don't Open This End

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The flurry of media attention surrounding our engagement has died down at last.

Lu and I don't hide down in Georgia. Instead, we get out and about as filming allows. Let the paps and fans take their photos.

I did a couple more interviews on 'The Talking Dead'  plus my mate Jimmy's show. Don't let out too  much personal info about me and Lu. Only enough to keep the gossip monger's off our backs. Just the same sort of stuff I put on my social media accounts.

There are good and bad side effects of our upcoming marriage.

The good?

Apart from being insanely happy every minute of the day? The majority of my overly obsessive stalkers have slowly started taming down their fanatic behaviour. I no longer notice their oppressive lingering presence on location or at our homes. No longer feel their lenses trying to capture my every move.

And the reaction from the other fans is incredible....genuinely passing on their congratulations and well wishes.

The bad?

Some of the more extreme types have made Lu the object of their wrath. For daring to come between them and me. To take what they think is my unwavering love and adoration away from them.

There's been some truly vile letters and packages....predominantly voodoo dolls. I keep them from Lu as much as possible.

Except one morning, as I was leaving for the set? Well....we opened the door to a personal delivery.

A photo of Lu lay on our doormat. It had to have been taken while we were at the supermarket the evening before. Cos I recognised part of the vegetable displays in the background.

And on that was a fresh pile of human excrement.

I was beyond furious and scared as hell to boot. Yet it was Lu's reaction....actions that calmed me down.


She immediately closed the door and then strode off purposefully to her computer. Bought up the footage from the numerous hidden cameras. One's that she placed in various areas around the outside of the house.

The vision was crystal clear from all angles and even had the accompanying audio.

She was just as angry as me....only not scared at all.

Putting on some latex gloves from the box under the sink, Lucy grabbed a large zip-lock freezer bag. Pulled out one of our old flexi plastic chopping boards.

With great care, she maneuvered the board under the 'present'. Then sealed it into the bag and left it on the step, secure in a cardboard box.

After copying all the footage onto a thumb drive, Lu turned to me with a grim smile. Yet I saw the sparks firing in her eyes.

Picking up her phone, she called the Senoia Police Department. Staying cool and calm while telling them what'd happened and that we have footage of the whole event. Not only of the perpetrator but of the street itself. Where the fuckwit had parked her car....just three houses down.

They said they'll come right on over but she told them she'll be at the station in half an hour with the evidence. Insisted on they backed down and agreed.

"Why go in, Baby? I want them to come out! Get fingerprints....whatever. Catch the psycho bitch."

I wasn't angry with her. Just totally livid with the walking pile of shit who did this.

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