Chapter 17 - The Great Outdoors

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Once I put my dressing gown and slippers on? We came downstairs together.

He's just like his Dad and has his arms around me tight. When we walked into the kitchen Ming let go and ran to the table, started bouncing excitedly in his seat.

"Wrap your gums around these, pal"  Norman placed a huge stack of pancakes in the middle of the table.

He peeped over at me and gave a little wince. Glimpsing my red and very watery eyes.

"There's plenty to go around. Will you be joining us, Luce?"

I catch the undertone in his voice. He's also looking like he's....holding his breath?

Norman isn't just  asking me about breakfast.

"I sure hope you made heaps cos I'm starving"  I reply with a small smile, tugging out a chair and sitting down.

He came around the kitchen counter and placed a mug of tea in front of me. Before resting his hands on my shoulders. Giving a gentle squeeze and kissing the top of my head once more.

Mingus is shovelling pancakes into his mouth at a rapid rate. I swear that kid has a tapeworm, given the amount of food he manages to put away.

He paused his munching long enough to ask.

"Dad, can we drive out to the waterfall and take Lucy with us?"

"Sure, Ming. That's a good plan. But have you asked Lucy, though....if she wants to come along as well?"  Norman sat between us, his head swivelling as we talk.

"Yes, he did. I told him I'll love to. As long as it's what you both  want"  I reply softly.

"Then the good plan is now a done deal"  He announced happily, holding out a fist to each of us.


Half an hour later we were in the Jeep, heading out of the city to Indian Brook Falls. Mingus tried to insist I sit in the front seat. So we compromised....I'll do it on our way home.

He kept up a steady stream of chatter with his Dad. Telling Norman about what we'd gotten up to over our three days together.

While I happily sat back, watching the change in scenery. Putting in a word or two every now and then. And seeing Norman's smiling eyes peering back at me in the rear vision mirror.

He parked at the head of a walking trail.

"What's in the bag?"  I quiz as he removed it from the rear tray.

We each have ourselves a backpack containing water bottles and rain ponchos. I've thrown a few extra things in mine.

"My camera and some lenses"  He slung a digital Ricoh around his neck, tucked some other items into the pockets of his pack.

"I love taking photos wherever I go. Sometimes, when you look through a lens? You'll see a completely different perspective than what you do with both eyes. I like to find those differences and see if I can capture them somehow."

He looks relaxed and happy as we hike the small trail for the next forty minutes or so. I start to hear the gentle sound of the falls when we get closer.

A couple of spots are slippery underfoot and Norman grabbed my hand when I stumbled on a loose rock. He didn't let go until we reached the pool at the base of the falls, ten minutes later.

"'s so pretty!"  I breathe out once we come to a stop.

All the trees are displaying their autumn colours. And the water is cascading between two sheer walls of rock. Because we've arrived fairly early, we have the place all to ourselves.

The Odd Couple - A Norman Reedus Fanfic RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now