Chapter 6 - Stop! I Wanna Get Off!

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My eyes are closed, but I can hear his voice.

Is this yet another dream?

Hope it isn't like the last one, that's for sure. No, not the faceless man one. The nightmare one that came afterwards.

"Jackson....?"  My lids open slowly and there he is.

"Here's our little girl. See Etta? I told you not to fuss, she's gonna be just fine now!"

Jackson is sitting on the edge of my bed holding my hand while Etta is laying beside me. Wiping my forehead with a damp towel. Both have looks of absolute relief plastered all over their faces.

"I don't understand. What's happening? Did I get sick or something?"

I'm truly confused and try to sit up against the bedhead. This causes a flurry of panic and they both make to settle me back.

When Etta moved....I saw him. Leaning against the far wall. Dressed in a tee and a pair of sweat pants. Gnawing on his nails.

Realising I'm about to make another escape attempt, he straightened and started towards me.

""  I chanted softly as my terror returned with full strength.

While trying to heave myself away from the hands holding me.

"Honey, it's're safe!  Mr Norman isn't going to hurt you, I swear. It's all been one big misunderstanding. Stay still, baby....he won't ever hurt you."

Jackson's voice soothed me. Yet I never took my eyes away from the stranger as he kept inching towards the bed. Slowly sat himself on the edge.

He looks worried, concerned....and so exhausted.

Mr Norman? 

Jackson said that name before....didn't he? On our way home from the airport.

He now turned slightly towards him.

"Lucy? This is Norman Reedus. Mr Norman....this is Lucy Ashton."

Our eyes still haven't moved from each other's. But his crinkled slightly at the edges as he gave me a small smile.

Why the hell is my tummy flipping again? Feels like my heart is going to jump out of my chest as well. Am I having a panic attack?

"We have ummmm  met before but not officially. I mean....not the best of circumstances I suppose. Though I gotta admit, it was one helluva...."  He stammered.

Is he blushing?

Oh, Oh....of course. He....I....we....OHMYGOSH!

"Why were you in my bed?"

What was fear and embarrassment before is now swirling into anger. Jackson recognised it starting up and cut in.

"Now Lucy, as I said before....there's been a misunderstanding. Mr Norman here is going to tell you a story and you're going to listen. I know you're dealing with a lot right now, little one. But none of what's happened is of his  doing."

"You mind me now and let the man speak."

I nodded at Jackson contritely. Minded him and listened as 'Mr Norman'  started talking.



"But I never gave any approvals to anyone. I'd never....THIS IS MY HOME! "

The Odd Couple - A Norman Reedus Fanfic RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now