Chapter 19 - Bedtime Stories

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It's been seven months now since the day we first met. Seven of the most incredible, fantastic, hectic....frustrating months of my life.

Yet I'm happy. Fucking ecstatic actually....


So far, my work schedule this season has been jammed packed.

The writers have really amped up my character, so I'm getting more and more air time every episode. And now AMC has approached me with an idea to do my own travel series.

They want me to take a celebrity guest on a motorbike journey. Different destination in every episode. Talking to other riders and exploring the countryside.

Such an incredible opportunity and I honestly can't wait.

At home, I've been taking it slow and steady with Luce. Not wanting to rush things in case I scare her away.

But over time, we've become more than housemates. More than friends even. We' friends I reckon.

Her shyness around me has totally disappeared. And now she takes great delight in teasing the absolute shit out of me whenever she can. I once thought Sash is the master of a swift and sassy comeback. Yet Lu can sure teach her a thing or two!

When she and Ming get together? Then it's on! And I'm usually their target  🤣

Anyone who doesn't know us will think we're night and day. And I suppose in some ways we are.

What with me being a fair bit impulsive....out there and gung ho. Yet at the same time, insular and unsure of myself to the point of being painfully awkward.

Whereas Lu is my little thinker and planner. Quiet and methodical mostly, yet never boring! No fucking way! She can also hold her own against us two boys yet still be girly and feminine.

Lu can never be described as a princess, though  😉

Yeah, we're different alright. But in the ways that matter the most? We're in total sync.

Before....before Lucy that is?

Whenever I had time out from filming and Ming was busy with his Mom or friends, I'd just remain at my place down in Senoia. Relax, catch up on sleep or simply go cruising on my bike.

But now, once my last line is read for the week? I'm off to catch a flight back home to New York. As fast as I can possibly get there.

Jackson's always waiting. Brings me up to date with whatever has been happening in the city as we make our way home from the airport.

As soon as I open the front door I'm scooting up them flights of stairs. Faster than one of Daryl Dixon's arrows.

Cos I'm praying I've arrived on one of the days she works from home.

 If it is? She'll be sequestered in her home office. Either typing away madly on her laptop. Or sitting cross-legged on a cushion, with Eye snuggled up in her. As meaningless numbers and letters scroll past on the big screen.

Well, they're all meaningless gibberish to me lol  😂

As soon as Lu realises I'm home?

Eye is gently lifted off her lap. Her glasses and keyboard get thrown to the floor before she takes a running leap at me. Holding her tight, I spin us both around wildly. Kissing her head over and over in greeting.

I call her flying squirrel. Lu calls me Bullwinkle.

Hmmmm....reckon I got the dud nickname  🙄

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