Chapter 7 - Your Honour! May We Approach The Bench?

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It's the day after that fateful morning.

I'm sitting at the long mahogany table. Tapping my fingers to an unknown beat while taking a sip of my coffee.

I arrived thirty minutes early so my lawyer can bring me up to speed with his investigations so far.

The receptionist immediately ushered me into the boardroom at the lavish offices of Deering Properties on Fifth Avenue. This is my first time here as I'd signed the lease at the house.

I'm nervous, a little sad and kinda excited.

Nervous because I don't want to lose the home I love. The place where Ming and I finally feel at ease.

Sad, because today? Someone is  going to lose a home they love. How can you claim a victory like that?

Excited....more than excited. Cos I'll get to see Lucy again.


I'm acting like a hormonal teenager!

Spot some movement through the window. And my lawyer, Phil Spintur stalked his way across the office.

Now he's good at his job, can't deny that. Except sometimes, the way he speaks and acts towards those who aren't his clients? Leaves a lot to be desired.

I liken him to a rogue lion. One who enjoys the hunt almost as much, if not more  than the kill.

To be totally honest?

I really don't like him much at all. But he was recommended by my manager once my career took off. And luckily, I don't have to call on him that often.

"NORM!  Great to see you buddy. How many kills did you rack up this season? Is Daryl getting any tail yet?"

I stood when he entered and pumped my hand enthusiastically. Sitting again....I quietly wiped that palm on my trousers. Trying to erase him.

He kept on smack-talking while opening his briefcase and scattering papers around. While I just silently nod or shake my head. Phil didn't even notice my disinterest, but then he never seems to anyways.

"So, Norm my's the lowdown. Everything on the lease is above board and to the letter of the law. This Ashton chick is gonna have to find herself another bed to park her snatch in. For at least the next eighteen months."

He's gleeful, and I can't help but wince at his crassness.

"So, there's no comeback on the contract at all? No break clause?"  I asked in a low voice.

"There is, but the way it's worded can't be misinterpreted. It must be with the full agreement of both  parties. Meaning both you and this L.J Ashton must one hundred percent agree on cancellation of the lease."

"If you say no....then she doesn't have a leg to pirouette on. She'll have to wait it out before moving her buns back in."

"Lucy...."  I breathe out, watching her enter the reception area.

"What's that, Norm?"  He glanced at me absently.

"Her name is Lucy"  I repeat a bit louder and Phil glanced up to where I'm gazing.

She has her long hair slicked back into a perfect roll at the back of her head. And is wearing an incredible black skirt and jacket that looks like vintage Chanel? I remembered something similar from my modelling days....and from Helena who has a wardrobe full.

She's still looking wan and worn out which worries me a bit.

More than a bit  😟

Amazing legs. All long and....

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