Chapter 26 - Happy Birthday To Me

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I wait for the sound of his door clicking shut. Then count to three hundred before pressing send.

He should be undressed and in bed by now?

Me: What you did for me tonight was beautiful....just like you are. I love you Norman Mark Reedus....just thought you should know that.

Norman: I love u, my Baby. You're mine aren't u?

Me: Since the first....forever and ever.

Norman: So u will? Marry me?

Me: Yes. It'll be my honour to marry you, Norman.

No text response this time.

I hear his shouts of "BOOYAAAAH"  through the do the neighbours I think?

The ones in Queens that is  😉

Me: I meant what I said though, can you wait? Just a little bit? Maybe until you finish this season's filming?

Norman: Eight or so weeks after I go back? Yeah. Will b hard, but yeah....anything 4 u. Can we go and buy the ring tho? B4 I leave? Make it all official?

Me: For sure. And I won't make u wait 4 our wedding night to....well....U know? But I do need just a little time. To get to know each other in....that way? R U up 4 that?

Oh shit....maybe I could've phrased that a bit better?

Me: I mean, would it be too hard for you?

Oh Jeez! I can hear his hoots of laughter now.

Just kill me!

Norman: Wait for what, gorgeous? I deserve a fully detailed and graphic explanation I reckon. Cos u know, I'm sometimes a bit slow on the uptake now and then. So, what's this....'U know' and 'that way'?  Hmmmm?

Jeez, he sounds just like Sash now. If he wants to get down and dirty....FINE!  Time for some payback.

Me: I don't have those kind of emojis on my phone, Mr Reedus. Guess I'll just have to make up my own.

I send him the text heading....

....Property of one Mr Norman Mark Reedus....for his eyes only!

Then strip down to my knickers....start taking some pics. Not as good as he would've taken for sure. But still pretty darn artistic I reckon.

I spread my hair out on the sheets - click and send.

The curve of my collarbone and arch of my neck - click and send.

My thigh with knee bent and toes pointed - click and send.

The side of my waist where he tickles me. Camera aiming towards my belly button - click and send.

Face in profile. Mouth slightly open, tongue licking my top lip and eyes half closed - click and send.

Lying on my tummy now, camera focused over one shoulder. Almost bare butt slightly raised in the air - click and send.


Not meaning to sound egotistical here? But that one is pretty bloody good, even if I do say so myself!

Flip over again. Push my breasts together. Hold them with one hand covering my nipples, looking through the little gap in my cleavage - click and send.

The Odd Couple - A Norman Reedus Fanfic RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now