Chapter 28 - I Dunno....You Tell Me

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"LUCY JANE ASHTON!!!!  Am I or am I not your bestest girlfriend in the whole wide world?"

Oh strewth  😮

I may as well just paint this bloody wall in orange juice and be done with it!

My eyes simply stare at the splatter and then swivel to Eye. Who's shooting up the stairs, dripping as he runs. Finally, I turn to see Sasha's thundercloud face.

"What on earth? Hey, did you just come in through the basement?"  I squeak.

"And what're you talking about? Heya, Helena. How are y...."

"Is....ummmm  is there something wrong?"

She's now standing behind Sash, with a look of concern churning up her beautiful eyes.

"Well yes, Lucy. I'm afraid...."  She started to speak but The Mouth cut her off.

"How could you not tell me?"  She screeched.

I ignore her and speak to Helena again.

"I take it she knows then?"

"Yes, but it didn't come from me. We were at GiGi's Playhouse and they had the television on. I'm so sorry, Luce. I truly am. I was hoping you'd both have a bit more time before it got out. We came over straight away."

"I don't understand, before what got out on television?"  I can feel my forehead crunch up in utter confusion.

"And what on earth is that racket outside? Are they doing roadworks again? Is that why you had to come in through the basement?"

"Oh faaaark! mean to don't know?"  Sash and Helena gaped at each other in horror.

"No, hun. Don't go anywhere near the door!"  I start filling up with fear when she grabbed my arm.

"Know what? It's, it's nnnnot Norman? Please ttttell me nothing's....he's alright isn't hhhhe?"

"Oh, sweetie.'s fine!  Just fine, lovey. I swear"  Sasha patted my cheek, trying to calm me down.

I've got one on each side of me now. Gently shepherding me to the kitchen table and sitting me on a chair.

"It's....well it might be better if we just show you"  Sasha pulled out her tablet and plonked it on the table in front of me.

And I watched. While she draped her arm around my shoulder and Helena held my hand.

"Oh....Ok"  I whispered when it finished.

It's Hel's turn to be furious now.

"Røvbanans!  They just put themselves out of business. Anyone buying something like that relies on the jewellery store for absolute discretion. It must've been leaked by an employee who recognised him."

"They're done for. No one will ever go in there again. I'll make sure of it!"

"Does he know? Has Norman seen....Oh boy....he's going to go apeshit"  My heart dropped.

This was the one thing Norman hates above all about his fame. Having his most private life out there for all to see. Like he's on some kind of reality T.V show without his say so  ☹️  

"Yes, that's a certainty. And....speaking of the devil"  Helena stopped and answered her phone, listening for a few seconds.

"Yes, Norman....she's fine! How do I know? Because we're here with Luce right now....came as soon as we saw...."

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