Chapter 21 - Haymaker

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Did anyone get the plate of the cab that hit me?

Know I've got muscles. What I didn't know is how much it'll hurt. When every single one of them starts screaming like a bunch of teenage girls at one of the conventions.

My eyes peel apart like gum on the sole of a shoe leaving the pavement. As soon as I see the walls, wardrobe and ceiling shade....I realise I'm in Lu's room. On her bed.

God, I hope she's here too? Cos I need to piss like a racehorse, and I doubt I'll be able to move.

I don't know if it's the twist of my head or the neck creak when I looked down. Whatever it woke her. She was on her knees beside me in a split second.

"Norman?"  Lu's voice croaked as she squinted at me in fright.

"Hey, my gorgeous girl"  I rasp back with a smile.

"Just once, do you think I can wake up in your bed? And find you stark naked next to me?"

"Oh, thank God....thank God...."

Her hands are caressing my face as if she can't believe I'm real.

What on earth?

"Baby? I'm loving the attention....but I'm gonna wet the bed real soon. Do you think you can help me get to the bathroom?"

"And then tell me, why the hell I Jackson has jumped on me from a great height?"

She slithered off the bed, coming to my side immediately. I groaned as I raised myself to sit on the edge of the mattress. Stopping for a second to clear the muzziness from my head.

"Ummmm, just stay still. I'll get you some boxers."

She turned to leave, but I grab her hand.

"Lu....if I'm naked? Then you've obviously seen me in all my incredible glory already. Forget em. Just help me up, honey"  I glance at her reddening face.

Wait....what the?

"Lu, how did you get the fucking shiner?"

She ignored me and crouched so I can wrap my arms around her shoulders. Straightened slowly, bringing me with her until I'm on my feet. Groaning....but standing at last.

We shuffle slowly to the bathroom and she repeats the process in reverse this time. My ass hit the toilet seat.

Ahhhh, bliss!

I sat there for long glorious minutes.


She left me alone to do the deed but came back when I called out. I've found my feet a bit better now but still lean on her. More so that I can keep my body in contact with hers.

The bed has been remade and she lowered me slowly. Lifting my legs onto the mattress and bringing the quilt back up to my chest.

Still so silent.

I took the tablet she gave me and drank thirstily from the water bottle. Then pulled back the bedclothes on the other side.

"Please, Baby....?"

Lu hesitated then eventually climbed in. But when I rolled and moved forwards to get my arms around her? She pulled back....putting distance between herself and me.

"Luce, tell me?"  I whisper with a frown, starting to feel some unease flow over me.

And she did....also whispering. Not really looking at my face.

Four days?


 Luckily I came out of it when I did. Otherwise, I woulda been spending the rest of my damned break in hospital. Little wonder I feel weak as a kitten.

I reach a hand up and shakily place my fingers on the side of her eye. Gently caressing part of the bruise I've unintentionally given her. I lean forward to let my lips follow in their wake.

Only she pulled back suddenly and turned away.

"Lu....?"  I asked worriedly.

But before I can get more rang.

Goddamn doorbell!

"That'll be Dr Lewin."

She slithered out of bed again, wrapped a dressing gown around her and took off.


The Doc is one helluva nice old guy.

Lu's down in the kitchen. Making up the scrambled eggs and juice he said I can have.

"Now you listen to me, young man! You were very lucky this time. So learn your lesson and look after yourself. If you can't give up the damn fags, then at least cut down on them."

"And take care of that little girl of yours too. She's a keeper."

"I hear ya, Doc. Thanks for looking out for me."

"Oh, she did all the work. I just gave the orders. Make a good nurse she would"  He shuffled out the door with a backwards wave.

That comment made me sad. Yeah....she's had a lot of experience that's for sure.

Luce made me eat every bite, wasn't hard as I'm starving. Then I convinced her to let me have a bath. Again, leaning against her....holding on tight as she helped lower me into the tub.

She's still so quiet?

Needed help to get out and dried. Well....not really. I shivered as she towelled my back. Then down my buttocks, wiping thighs and calves.

Despite my best efforts, the blood started seeping from my head other head.

'Looks like I'm well on the road to recovery'  I thought happily, wrapping a towel around my waist and climbing back into bed.

"I rang Helena and Ming to let them know you're getting better. They're going to drop over and visit for a little while after lunch."

"Please don't be angry....but I got Sash to answer your phone whenever it rang. I was worried that it might've been Greg, Andy or someone else from the set wondering where you are. Here's all the messages she took for you."

Lu handed some folded pieces of paper to me along with my phone.

"There's juice, water and some fruit on the table. Try to get some sleep if you need to rest up and get all better. I'll check on you, but just yell out or text me if you need anything. I'll be downstairs."

So quiet....

I sighed and threw a quick glance at the typed sheets. God....there has to be a couple of hundred messages? I ignored them, time enough later.

Tried to keep my eyes open, yet I have to admit....I'm pretty tired. She probably is too I'm betting. And that's why she's so quiet?

And it was in that half state of sleep when it hits me.

That look? The one on Lucy's face....since I woke up?

It's the exact same expression I saw there, when she told me about her Mom and Dad. When she was absolutely devastated by their loss. grieving....?

The Odd Couple - A Norman Reedus Fanfic RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now