Chapter 20 - Take Two Of These And Call Me In The Morning

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He swayed and his legs start to buckle as I sprint towards them. Jackson managed to keep him on his feet. And together we propped him up, until he started to come around a little bit.

"Norman, stay with us please....please "  I beg in a whisper.

He looks so ill. I've never seen him like this before....and it's terrifying.

"My bedroom, it'll be easier"  We manage to get him in the elevator and up to the first floor.

Jackson kept a tight grip until I pulled the bedclothes back and we gently lay him down. Norman's babbling a bit, can't understand a single word of it though.

"Lucy you get his shoes and that off. I'm just going to call Ira....our family doctor. He does house calls"  He gave me a quick comforting hug.

"I'm sure it's just the flu, sweetheart....that and exhaustion probably. We'll get him right again."

Jackson walked out into the hall and I hear low rumblings as he spoke on the phone.

I tugged Norman's boots and socks off. Hesitate for a moment, before starting on his jeans. My hands shook a bit when I undid his zip and started to peel them down over his hips. Finally got them off and cover his legs with my doona.

Luckily Jackson came back in. Helped me to peel his jacket and shirt off. Cos he's too big for me to lift his whole upper body up that far from the bed.

All his clothes are sodden with sweat.

Norman is only in his tee and boxers now, covered up with bedclothes. Feverish and totally out of it.


It took half an hour for Jackson's doctor to arrive and he strode downstairs to open the door when the bell rang.

Norman alternated between shivering uncontrollably and sweating bucket loads. Every now and then he opened his eyes, but they just rolled unseeingly around the room.

I held his hand tight in mine while the doctor did his examination.

He's a kindly old gentleman with a shock of snow-white hair. Put me instantly at ease with his gentle bedside manner.

Unlike some of the abrupt and self-absorbed doctors I had to deal with when Mum was ill  🥹

"Well, little miss....your man has a rather nasty dose of the flu. Probably a touch of bronchitis as well going by the sounds of his lungs. Damned cigarettes I bet....silly pup!"

"Now, I've given him a shot of high-dose antibiotics for that. Keep an eye on his temperature. Bathe him down if need be and try to get these paracetamols into him every few hours. Helps control the fever."

He handed me a few blister packs of tablets, as well as some sachets of hydration powders.

"He needs plenty of fluids. The mineral salts plus water are vitamin C as yet. I'll come back to check again later this evening, but in the meantime here's my number. If his fever hits a hundred and three degrees, you call me immediately....understand?"

I nod emphatically and give him my heartfelt thanks.

This is one area I've had more than enough expertise in. Just didn't think I'd have to do it soon.

But it's what you do, isn't it?

When you love someone more than anything else in the world?

And I love this man so much more than that....more than my life even.

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