Chapter 14 - It's Raining Men

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I literally throw myself into the airport cab and yell out the address.

"Here's the deal, pal. I know it's Friday evening and rush hour. But I'll triple the fare and pay another hundred on top if you can get me there ASAP. It's more than an emergency! "

"You goddit, man! Special service comin right up"  He floored it.

Shit, I'm so fucking late! AND I HATE BEING LATE!

On Tuesday morning? Five AM to be precise. I destroyed my phone.

It fell out of my pack when I skidded into the location set. Before I could get off my bike and jog back the few yards to pick it of the site vehicles ran over it.

It's now thousands of fragments mixed with gravel and mud.

Couldn't get a replacement. Not all the way out in the back roads of Georgia. So I decided to wait a couple of days until I'm home. Get me a new one and a replacement Sim.


I borrowed Andy's phone during a break. To get hold of Ming and let him know what's happened. Had to leave a quick message on his voicemail.

Then I went to call Lucy.


I plugged her number in but hadn't had time to memorise it. I know....I'll ring Jackson and get it from him.


Can't remember his either.

I'm really gonna have to sync all my contacts as soon as I get the replacement SIM. This is a fucking nightmare.

Since then, my days have been almost non-stop. Cos we were so far behind thanks to some lousy weather.

I call them domino days. As once the first piece falls? Everything else follows like a chain reaction.

Today was the last day of re-filming some scenes and again it was hampered by thunderstorms.

Being late already I had to race to make it to the airport in Atlanta. Got to the gate with only minutes to spare.

That's when I spotted the 'Flight Delayed'  sign....and groaned.

I called Ming from a payphone this time, only to reach his voicemail again.

"Hey, bud. My plane has been delayed, but I'm pretty sure we'll make it the stadium in time for tip-off. Listen, when you get to the house? You'll probably find a lady there called Lucy. Introduce yourself and tell her what's happening."

"She's really nice, Mingo. I'll explain everything tonight. Love ya."

He's got his own house key. Usually goes straight from school to my place when he stays over.

I was planning on being there when he arrives home, so I can tell him all about Lucy in person. Then introduce them to each other. Before taking him and his school friend to the basketball game.

But those plans have gone and flat-lined themselves in a mega way, huh!

And Lucy is totally unaware of everything. Probably thinks I've been ignoring her for the last three days.

Shit! Shit! Shit!


When the cab pulled up, I gave the driver a wad of notes. Yell my thanks before racing up the stairs.

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