Chapter 12 - She Loves Me....She Loves Me Not....

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Sean didn't quite yell. But it came out like that when there was a convenient lull in the general noise of the bar. And everyone turned in our general direction.

"Jeezus pal, why don't you just Tweet it and be done?"  I whisper, ducking my head.

"Sorry, Norm....but....holy shit man!  You're in bed with some totally unknown babe. Then you just suddenly decide it's a good idea to do some tongue-tangling?"

"What if she does a sell and tell all? And Didier reads it?"  Sean has lowered his voice significantly now.

"Number one! She won't can trust me on that. She won't even fucking talk to me about it let alone to any gossip rags or whatever. Though I'm pretty sure her girlfriend will get some of it out of her tonight."

"And as for Number two....Di? Not my concern anymore."

"Won't talk to you about it? So, you're still seeing this new girl then?"

"Well, ummmm. There's actually a little bit more to the story than that, buddy"  I went on to spill the rest.

It's been an age since I've caught up with Sean in person. Though we speak a hell of a lot on the phone and all that. We've done a couple of movies together and have remained firm friends since day one.

I'm more than glad he chose to pass through New York on his way home. Gives me the opportunity to talk it all out and get another guy's opinion on what happened. What I ended up doing afterwards.

Kinda wish I told him in his hotel room and not down at my local bar, though. But they're good folk in here. So Sean's outburst? I doubt it'll go any further.

He's fiddling with his phone now. Gave a low whistle of admiration when he looked up her bio pic on her company's website.

"I give you one thing, bro. You sure know how to pick em....this girl's one hell of a looker. Is she over the age of consent though?"  He teased.

"Twenty-three"  I answer grumpily.

This isn't going the way I expected and Sean must've caught the wince on my face.

"Norm, sorry man....I shouldn't be so flippant. This is something completely different isn't it?"

We're both leaning over the small table now. I put my head in my hands, running my fingers through my hair until it stood up on end.

"I wish I knew. Can't seem to think straight at the moment as it's all happened in the space of a couple of days. All I know is, I made some big decisions. And so far? I'm pretty sure they've been the right ones."

"But I also might've been selfish. Made those decisions. Then maybe swayed her into going along with them?"

"I just....I just really need her to stick around is all. So I can see what happens. If anything can  happen? I suppose I got scared. That if she's out of my life completely, then I mightn't get another chance."

"Awwww, shit. I honestly can't explain...."  I'm getting frustrated at not being able to put into words how I feel.

But how can you explain your feelings to someone else, when you don't even understand them yourself?

"Don't think you need to explain it, man. I can hear it in your voice. I think you really....really  like this girl. But you're afraid of screwing it up?"

"But she's there, right now. Under the same roof. So just be you, Norm. She didn't even know that you're kinda famous and likes you just as you are, I reckon. So....go slow. Get to know each other and take it from there."

" do you know she likes me?"  I'm more than does he even know when I don't?

"Well, firstly? I just skimmed through Ms Lucy Ashton's bio. This young lady can probably afford a hundred houses like the one she currently has. And still have enough left over to buy a small country. But instead, she chose to share her home with you."

"So that's one helluva big tell. Right off the bat."

"And?"  I'm starting to feel a bit more hopeful now.

"Did she kiss you back?"  I nod, though I gotta be completely honest.

"Yeah, but we were both still pretty much asleep at the time."

"And now she doesn't want to talk about it?"  He's smiling now.

"No, when she remembers? Lu just kind of looks away and gets all flustered....embarrassed even."

"Then trust me, pal. She likes you. Boy, does she like you or what! One last thing though, Norm. Are you still getting those weird feelings? The ones you told me about a while ago?"

He's got the same look on his face as Wellman did earlier today. As if he's just worked out some major riddle or something.

I think long and hard about it.

"No...."  I reply in amazement,

"....not since...."

"Reckon you've just found the answer you were looking for, bro"  Sean sat back in his seat with a smug grin.

"Your round, my friend"  He waggled an empty glass at me.

"But before you go to the bar....tell me. How does she kiss?"

"Like a little devil disguised as an angel"  I answer instantly, grinning like a supreme idiot.

"You lucky son of a bitch, Reedus!"

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