Chapter 30 - Rainy Night In Georgia

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Norman lowered me to my feet when we reached the bedroom, taking the bath sheet from my shoulders and gently towelling me dry.

"Lu....God you're beautiful. Love you. taste like...."

I could listen to his voice forever.

Only I've waited all my life for this man....way too long. He's out of my dreams now. Standing in front of me in all his naked glory. And I want him so much. Need him from the inside out even more.

All my shyness has gone....evaporated. Just as the Indian Summer is now doing.

Think it's because I've given my heart to Norman? My best friend and my love. When you have that kind of trust? Then you know you can just be yourself....just be....

And I sure did, didn't I? Once the first wave of pleasure flowed from him to me? Thought I was either gonna faint, cry or die.

Probably all three.

I took the towel and rubbed it over Norman's wide chest while his hands reached out to cup my breasts. Squeezing them together gently....just as I'd done when I took the photo for him.

The look on his face, as his hands skim over me is my total undoing.

Screw the towel!

I need to touch him too. I've got no idea what on earth I'm doing....but it's like some kind of deep-seated instinct has taken hold. So I just went with it.

Slipping away from his searching grasp, I move quickly to stand behind him. Reaching around his waist I place my palms on his pecs. Thirstily licking the water droplets from his neck and shoulder blades....tonguing his back.

Kissing his devil tattoos while letting my fingers roam over his nipples.

He growled low in his throat when I did that and my smile became huge as my teeth trail down his spine. Can't wait to nibble on them just like he feasted on mine.

More groaning growls. Mmmm....sounds like I'm doing something right?  😉

My hands slide down his chest as I lower myself to a crouch. And when my mouth reached his bottom, I let my tongue slither over his skin. His butt twitched as I gave it gentle nips.

Jeepers, this man has muscles that go on for days!

"Oh Jeezus, Lu! Oh....Ohhhh...."  He threw his head back and moaned loudly when I let my fingertips meander over his stomach, twirling them around his belly button.

I felt a line of rough hairs leading downwards....let them be my guide until my fingers found him.

My breathing stopped.

I'd seen him naked when I bathed his fevers away. Then? My hands were like my heart. Tender, scared and full of love for a man who was totally exposed, helpless.

But what I'm feeling now? Norman is still vulnerable, yet much....much more.

He's all man. And my last.

His hands came down on top of my inexperienced ones, guiding me. Teaching my he twitched and grew even more.

We both jumped when the room lit up with a flash of lightning. Looks like the hot spell is about to break.

Except, he broke first.

Norman spun around and lifted me up again. Taking over my lips with a greedy hunger as he lay me on our bed.

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