Chapter 9 - Booyah!

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I strode back and stood outside the doorway of the boardroom.

Only Phil and Wellman are still inside now....studiously ignoring each other.


Hope they won't notice, that I'm just in my shirt and suit vest now? Soggy and blotched with a bit of makeup in places. Pants are worse for wear too.

Lucy still has my jacket around her shoulders.

She's now safe and sound back with Jackson. Who's been patiently waiting for her downstairs in the car park.

When he saw her face, that she's been crying? His own filled with pure panic and the tears started for him too.

"It's Ok,'s alright now. Honest!"

She gave him a small smile and he waddled over to her like a relieved mother hen. Smothering her with his arms.

"Phil?"  I asked, indicating for him to grab his gear and come outside into the main office area.

I want him out. Not just from here but out of my business altogether....forever.

"Thanks for your assistance again. Invoice to my manager for your services?"

Shook his hand for the last time, thank fuck. Closed the boardroom door behind me before he can even get a word out.

I sat down opposite Wellman and peered through the window. As Phil scratched his head in confusion and then walked away.

"Is Lucy alright Norm?"  The older man whispered fearfully.

"Yes, Sir. She'll get there. Everything will be fine now....everything! "  I emphasised, watching quietly as he passed a shaky hand over his relieved face before looking back at me.

"I'm not ashamed of my reaction, Norm. I'm an ancient, grumpy and ruthless old devil....for sure. But that little girl is more to me than just a client."

"You'll always have my sincere gratitude for helping her out, son."

"I love her brother dearly as well. But sometimes that boy just makes me want to throttle him. She was only seventeen when he sent her to our office to rejig our systems. He believed that throwing her in the deep end with clients would toughen her up, bring her out of her shell a bit."

"She was so painfully shy and when she could manage to get a sentence out? Well, that godawful stutter just tied her tongue in knots. Broke my heart."

"But that brain of hers....and what she can do with it? That doesn't stutter, not one little bit!"

"Lucy has a lot more backbone than most of us ever give her credit for. She stuck it out and has been doing so ever since. But these last couple of years....month's especially? Well, that backbone bent."

"Whose wouldn't?"

He went silent for a while. Shook his head sadly before peering back at me....finally remembering where he is and who he's with.

"Apologies for my lapse, Norm. Now where were we? Oh yes, almost final point of business. No need for your lawyer, I hope?"

He pushed an envelope across the table to me and I opened it.

Inside is a letter, stating the return of funds in full to the trust account for the lease. Along with a cheque....

....with an obscene amount of zeros following the number five!

"Lucy rang me first thing this morning, Norm.  me. To not contest the lease under any circumstances. I conceded. However, I flatly refuse to let this agency off the hook. Matter of honour I suppose. My own more than anything?"

"Rickman knew I had him by the short and curlies when I enquired about the actions of his employee. Her entire intention from the very start was to defraud you both. And his company didn't apply even the  most basic governance or oversight to stop that occurring."

"Criminal....absolutely beyond criminal!"

"Oh, I could've squeezed a lot more out of him for you. Except it would've involved court appearances and depositions....all the tedious stuff that keeps me from the golf course. But I hope that's adequate compensation for your undue pain and suffering."

He'd started packing up his briefcase, preparing to leave.

"Ummmm, Sir? Lucy is really the one who should get this, don't you think?"  I stood to hand the cheque back to him.

Can't work out the look he's giving me now. Like he's sizing me up almost?

"Don't worry yourself, Norm. I made the old skinflint pay her as well. It's already deposited with the Foundation."

I'm still a state of shock.

"Sir, I honestly don't know how to thank you for this. My lawyer....well....I truly apologise for his behaviour. Probably won't mean much to you but if I can ever repay the favour?"

Those shrewd eyes are back on me again.

"Well there is one small thing, now that you mention it?"

"Have my eldest granddaughter's birthday coming up soon. And she's a mad fan of your Mr Dixon. Any chance you can send a personal birthday message to her?"

He got his phone out, ready to roll. I reckon he's had this planned from the start  😏

"It will mean a great deal to her. And I'll get to rub her other grandfather's face in it a fair bit. Would you mind terribly?"

I don't mind one little fucking bit.

"What's her name and how old will she be?"

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