Chapter 36 - I Hate Pepperoni!

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"Here you go young Lucy. Try a little taste of this, m'dear."

He cut the fig into quarters and handed me a portion. Watching my face intently as I raise it to my mouth.

Now normally I'll wolf figs down almost whole....I absolutely adore them. But as I'm only just getting over a tummy bug, my bite is small and tentative. I soon pop the rest in my mouth and can't help the small sound of bliss.

"Oh, Mr Beedle....that's just amazing! You're truly evil you know, tempting me with something like this"  His lined face lit up at my praise.

"Please, Lucy....just call me Fred? I've got a little supplier in Oregon, certified organic. Sends me a few boxes each year just in time for Thanksgiving. So....have I tempted you enough to take some off my hands?"

I nod back with a smile. Continue my sweep around his small but beautifully stocked fruit and veggie store.

As I went to pay for my purchases, Fred handed me a small card with a map and phone number.

"We always have an open house during the evening on Thanksgiving. Hank and I will love to welcome you....give you a chance to meet a few more folk?"

I hesitated slightly before taking it and he must've noticed.

"No obligation, Lucy. Hank cooks enough to feed a small African nation. If you turn up that'll be wonderful. If you have other plans....then I look forward to seeing your lovely face here again soon"  He said gently.

"Ummmm  thanks, Mr Beedle. I mean....Fred. I will, I'll try. Maybe just for a little while? Thank you again for the figs, they'll be a lovely treat. Bye"  I gave him a farewell smile then went out to my car to pack away the groceries.

Then I wander into the little café bakery next door. Place my order and perch on one of the window seats. Simply sit there, absently gazing out to the street beyond.

I make the short journey into Lake Placid Village each week to stock up on food and buy some newspapers. Visit Fred's store not only for his yummy produce, but also because he's a lovely old man to chat with.

That's the other reason I make the trip each week.

To remind myself that I'm still alive and to act like a human being....even if it's only for a couple of hours. To interact with other people, have a talk or just listen.

It was forced for the first few weeks but is getting easier. Not a lot....but a bit. Today though is different.

I definitely had to kick myself up the ass to even get out of bed let alone out of the cabin and into the car.

Today is the day when the world's biggest joke would've been told....

....and I would've been the punchline.

This afternoon? I would've married a man who deserves an Oscar. For Best Actor in a Romantic Farce.

Is there even such a category?

If not then the Academy really needs to include one. But they also need to create one, especially for me. I can just imagine Meryl Streep or Natalie Portman reading out....

"And the award for Most Naïve, Stupid Fucking Bitch to Ever Fall in Love with said Best Actor goes to? Ta-Daaaa....Lucy Ashton!"

"Job well done, deserve a standing ovation!"  I congratulate myself bitterly while sipping my tea.

And my mind drifted back to that day. Seven weeks ago now. Seven weeks going on seven minutes....that's what it feels like to me.


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