Chapter 40 - Mine!

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"You nervous, man?"

I glance at Sean, who's grinning hugely. Mingus is standing behind him....fidgeting and looking so very grown up in his new suit.

"Nope"  My grin is super-sized.

"Just can't wait to see my Baby. Feels like it's been fucking months."

I peer impatiently down the short aisle between all the chairs in our lounge. Towards the double doors where she'll make her grand entry. Then gaze over our assembled guests, who are murmuring in excitement.

Andy catches my eye and blows me a smile-filled kiss.

But I'm waiting....waiting for that damned alarm to go off announcing Groundhog Day.

Breathe a sigh of relief when it doesn't happen.

Mom smiled up at me from the front row.

She and my Sis are sitting with Etta, LaLa and his husband Yun. They all adore each other, though I think Yun is getting exasperated with Mom. As she eggs LaLa on something terrible.

I glance over at my almost brother-in-law. His falsies flutter back at me, as he places a hand on his heart and sighs like he's heartbroken. Even once I'm married, I sincerely doubt he'll stop his outrageous flirting.

I've got no idea how we've managed to pull it off, but we did. It's now two week's into the New Year and freezing outside. But everyone's all snug and warm inside.

Even though they only got about six week's notice? Every single guest has made it and they're all sitting here. Waiting impatiently with me....for the bride to hurry the fuck up and get her ass in here already.

Sash organised a hens-do for Luce here at home. I've still got no idea what went on. But knowing Sash and the girlish screams that echoed around the lounge as I left? would've been pretty outrageous.

Thank heavens we don't have any poles....yet  😁

I also have no idea what went on at the buck's night that Flanery, Andy and Greg organised for yours truly. I remember getting into a party bus with all the guys....and that's it.

This time, it was Lu rubbing my back and holding my hair as I chucked and moaned my way through the day after. And most of the day after that as well.


Some signal must've been given. As Harvey Wellman touched me on the shoulder to get my attention. He's here as our celebrant and he also officiated on a few other things as well.

A week ago, Lu asked me to meet her at his office.

Had me this feeling that maybe LaLa has insisted on a pre-nup? I had no problems at all with signing one. Cos I know it's never gonna be needed.

She was biting her lip in her nervousness when Harvey handed over a manila folder to me.

"I know it's kind of customary for couples to give each other a wedding gift. You've already given me the best pressie I could ever wish for. So I hope you like my gift to you as well?"

Opening up the folder, I saw the deeds to the house. Now made out in both our names.

"Lu...."  I choked up, totally speechless.

"It was always my house, but never my home....not really. Not until you and Ming were in it as well. Now? It's our  home, forever."

Poor Harvey. Eventually, he had to clear his throat and remind us we were in his office. And now, he's tapping me once more on the shoulder. Reeling me back in again.

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