Special Chapter

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“ Have you ever seen poetry in motion, have you ever danced after breakfast and screamed that you’re alive?”

It was six a.m and the sky, a haze with brilliant pinks and yellows. She loved the morning, she loved nature and everything that it brought to her table.

When I was little, I used to help my Mom pick raspberries. I used to eat more of those raspberries than I picked.

My Mother used to say, that the garden was the only thing that made sense to her, the only thing that gave back more joy as long as she kept feeding it more love.

“ Wake up sleepy head, wake up. The sundials dancing and the orchid is calling my name.”

I really did think that the orchid had been calling her name and like my Mother it was in her nature to harvest its joy and love.

“ You know Mister, legend says that Buddha meditated under a mango tree, maybe that’s why the mango is my favorite fruit in the world. ” If Buddha loved the mango than it has to be divine lol"

I just looked at her, giggling under my breath, while wondering to myself, what in the world would come out of that brilliant mind next?

“ Come on let’s go, sundials’ dancin’ and time waits for no one. Race ya lol  ” 

She got to those trees like she had been a friend to them forever, like they knew her name and every childhood memory from lifetimes ago.

“Did you know that the mango is the fruit of love, joy and friendship? You catch, all pick and if you drop one, you better take the time to feed it to me lol”

Sometimes in life you get caught up in the moment and begin wonder what the universe is really trying to say. Sometimes you have to take the time to smell the poetry in the motion.

“ You know my Nana used to bake pies to take to market. We'd all get up early and dance around the kitchen table and after breakfast we’d help her bake all day. Sometimes I think we ate more of those pies than she ever took to market.
And that smell, well it made us feel so alive. It was like nature and humans and God got together and baked something right. It was like breathing in joy and exhaling love and I don’t think there’s any better smell in the world than that, do you?”

Like breathing in joy and exhaling love.

“ Have you ever seen poetry in motion, have you ever danced after breakfast and screamed that you’re alive?”

Copyright ©2017 Robert J Sherrah

Be reminded folks! 

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