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Y/N "Anubis" L/N was a man without a care in the world. Ever since he was young, he lived a carefree and energetic life. He was always the type to cut corners around his chores just to finish them much quicker, which would sometimes annoy his mother. He always told himself that as long as the task gets done, it doesn't matter how it was done. He grew up with this mentality and eventually convinced his mother to allow him to join the Egypytian army when he turned 19, much to her dismay. The training process to get in to the Egyptian Army was rigorous to say the least, as not only were you trained physically, but also mentally and psychologically. Despite all this, Y/N aced every single test with flying colors, even catching the eye of his would-be superior, Liutenant Seyad Khalil. Y/N knew the dangers of fighting against the Nile River Coalition for the remaining dwindling resources in Egypt, and he gladly accepted his new role.

Y/N was assigned to Epsilon squad. It was there that he got to know his new teammates, Masud "Ra" Horus, Nefertiri "Serqet" Rehema, and Lukman "Sobek" Zosar. He was a bit curious as to why they nicknamed theirselves after Egyptian gods. Nefertiri filled him in and told him that it was all based on their personality. Masud is always bright and cheerful towards his teammates. If there is ever a time when someone is in the dark, he is the one to brighten up their mood. Nefertiri herself may look sweet and adorable, but she is known to leave a harsh sting with her words if anyone pisses her off; strangely fitting for the goddess of venom. Lukman is one of the strongest soldiers in the army. His strength is like that of a crocodile.
Y/N came to enjoy their wackiness, and in a few short years and countless missions, formed an inseperable bond.

Y/N thought of his squadmates as a second family, and was willing to die for them if need be. That nearly became a reality during one of their missions. As they were clearing a Cairo marketplace of NRC soldiers, Lukman failed to notice an enemy RPG being aimed at him from a rooftop. Y/N pushed Lukman out of the way, and ended up taking the blast, blowing off both his arms in the process. The last thing he saw before he lost consciousness was Nefertiri cradling him in her arms on the verge of tears while Masud and Lukman were killing off the remaining soldiers.

After what felt like years, Y/N eventually wakes up in a hospital. The first thing he notices when he looks around is Nefertiri resting her head on his hospital bed, holding his hand. He smiles, but then realizes that he has hands again. Nefertiri wakes up and smiles. She goes on to tell Y/N that in order to save his life, the doctors implanted him with a Direct Neural Interface (DNI) and gave him cybernetic arms. At first, he saw this as more of a curse. But after some time of training his new abilities that these cybernetic implants offered, he grew to like his new implants, as did the rest of the squad, and soon enough, they were out fighting the NRC again.

Mission after mission fighting the NRC, Epsilon squad climbed the ranks. Y/N's squadmates took notice of how easily he was able to kill groups of enemy soldiers because of his marksmanship with a sniper. He was also known to cheat death numerous times when he had to get up close, and thus they gave him the nickname, Anubis, after the jackal-headed God of the Dead.

But one fateful day, the NRC was given leaked intel from an unknown source on the location of every known safe house in the world. They took this opportunity to ambush and assault the Egyptian Army, eventually leading to Khalil's capture. Y/N's squad was tasked to regroup with the remaining Egyptian Army soldiers and fight off the NRC forces at the Lotus Towers, but their efforts were in vein as they were quickly overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of enemy soldiers and robotic units. Y/N's squad was killed one by one as thier mission progressed. Masud was killed by a Warlord wielding a BRM Light Machine Gun, and Lukman met his match against a group of GI units. It was just Y/N and Nefertiri left, and they were all but prepared to fight their toughtest battle yet, a Pilotable/Autonomous Walking Weapon System (PAWWS). Y/N didnt have complete knowledge or control over his cybernetic core abilities, so he was unable to use them properly to destroy this behemoth, not that it mattered because an AI that size required a certain amount of time to take care of with cyber core abilities, where as smaller units such as a RAPS were instant. Nefertiri thought that the best thing to do was to retreat, which Y/N agreed, but their effort was quickly cut short by a rocket fired from the PAWWS, and they went flying and slammed into a wall. The impact knocked out Nefertiri, but Y/N manage to keep consciousness thanks to his augmentations. However, he knew their fates were sealed as the PAWWS fired another rocket at them. All Y/N could do was embrace her and give in to fate. As the missile impacted, everything went white and then soon faded to black.

Soon enough, Y/N found himself slowly waking up to the sound of police sirens and an alarm sounding off. He stood up and grabbed his weapons, taking note of his surroundings. It seems like he was on a rooftop of a building in an unknown location. He looked down to the streets to see police cars closing off the road. He realized that none of them looked from his time and if fact look like heavily downgraded vehicles in comparison. He checked the current date on his phone. March 23rd... 2018!? He realized that he somehow went back in time and wondered if this was all just a dream. He desperately tried to come up with an explanation to all of this, and wondered if there was ever going to be a way back, but he was quickly snapped out of his thoughts when he heard gunshots coming from the building next to him, which looked like a bank. He noticed that some criminals in white masks and dark hoodies were shooting at the cops and boarding up all the windows and doors inside the bank. He then heard the sound of a helicopter hovering over the road. When he saw it, he noticed five soldiers rappeling down from the helicopter to the road below.  By the looks of it, they were there to stop the criminals. Y/N finds himself in a deadlock, wondering if he should help them, or if he should ignore it and try to find a way back...

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