Chapter 33 - Liqudation Order 936-22: Assault the stronghold

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Its been 2 days since Spectre reluctantly agreed to be a temporary edition to Team Rainbow, and as expected, they really didnt get along with any of the operators. They were more of a lone wolf to begin with, and Y/N pretty much expected as much. On Y/N and Reaper's request, however, Ela and Dokkaebi at least try to tolerate Spectre's behavior, despite taking some offense to the amateur statement. Spectre spent most of their time in the shooting range, perfecting their skill with the L-CAR 9. Being their only suppressed weapon, Spectre found it essential to get daily practice in with it as to ensure they dont miss a single shot. They prefer not to risk any credibility on their stealth role. Every so often, other operators would join in the shooting range, but there was no conversation.

Y/N, Dokkaebi, and Ela were in their dorms. Dokkaebi was playing videogames as usual, while Ela and Y/N were using the living room to practice some armed and unarmed CQC by having sparring matches with each other. While they were taking a quick break, the intercom came on.

Six: "Requesting all operators, meet in the briefing room to discuss a top priority mission. I repeat, all operators, please report to the briefing room." *intercom off*

Y/N: "Top priority?"

Ela: "Yes. This is one of the bigger, rarer, more important missions. A full-on assault on a White Mask stronghold."

Y/N: "Interesting. Well, let's go then."

Dokkaebi: "This is going to be fun."


Every single operator was standing in the briefing room with Six in the front of the room holding a file. The file had a picture of a white mask. From the look of it, it looked like one of the head honchos. She puts the file down and begins to arrange the file on a table.

Six: "Glad to see everyone here. Ill go straight to the point, we have been tipped off by an anonymous source of the location of a White Mask stronghold in the US. This stronghold is of a higher threat level than any other strongholds we've faced in the past, and its for this fact that im sending 6 operators this time around."

Every operator was intriuged at what they were hearing. They knew it was a high risk, high reward mission that could not afford to end in failure.

Six: "The top priority of this mission is to ensure that the HVT that runs this stronghold, Richard Vorshevsky, does not leave this stronghold alive. Those willing to take this mission should expect heavy resistance. So, do i have any volunteers?"

Spectre: "It's about time i have some fun."

Many of the operators did not look pleased with Spectre's voluntary action, but Six didnt care about it.

Six: "Very well, Spectre. Anybody else?"

Spectre: "Come on, Reaper. It's time to catch up on some past memories."

Reaper: "I shall take this mission."

Y/N: "As will I."

Six: "I applaud your bravery. Who else would like to volunteer?"

Spectre: "This is all we need. We dont need anyone else."

Y/N: "Are you sure about that?"

Six: "This is a stronghold we're going to assault. I heavily suggest a full squad."

Spectre: "Ill take your suggestion under advisement. But as i said, i dont work with amateurs."

Ash: *ticked off* "Ok, smartass, so why dont you just do this mission on your own?"

Spectre: "Is that an option? If it is, i welcome it."

Six: "No, a 1-man team is not going to be an option."

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