Chapter 41, pt 2 - Sierra Veterans Wing

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Once arrived back at the quarantine zone, Dokkaebi and Ela helped Jäger to the medical tent where Doc was supposedly waiting for him, all while Y/N went back to the planning tent for debrief. Ash and Thermite had congradulated him on a job well done and was told to take some well earned rest. Y/N proceeded back to the barrack and sat on his bed. He noticed that Outrider and Firebreak were nowhere to be seen, but he pushed that to the back of his mind when Ela and Dokkaebi walked in. In the end, they seemed to have taken this new experience well, since they were going on about how efficiently they took down the roaches.

Dokkaebi: "In the end, im actually glad that i got the chance to come. It kinda reminds me of those zombie games i used to play."

Ela: "You have to remember that this isnt a game, Grace. We're putting our lives at stake to resolve this crisis."

Dokkaebi: "Yeah, i know. Hey, Y/N, wanna go grab some food?"

Y/N: "You girls go on ahead. I'll catch up."

Ela: "Alright, dear. Dont take too long or we might take your portion."

Y/N: "Heh, not going to happen. Ill see you there soon."

With that, Dokkaebi and Ela head over to the food tent. Meanwhile, Y/N decided to pass by the planning tent to see what was the next objective. When he got to the front however, he heard arguing between Ash and Doc. Normally it wasnt in Y/N's interest to butt in, but he decided to listen to what was going on.

Doc: "Maybe... she has a vaccine, hm... Maybe, she has... a cure. Maybe i can stop working in a quarantine tent that's lined with claymores and C4."

Ash: "You're a humanitarian, and im not sure you can afford to be."

Doc: *turns to ash with a spine-chilling glare* "Do you have a better option on the table? Because we're bearly containing this... And i hope you have a solution that doesn't involve a nuclear response."

Ash looks down, realizing that Doc may have overheard her and Thermite's conversation about possibly nuking the town as a last resort.

Doc: "I heard the talk..."

Ash: "... ... *nods nervously* ... Ok. Let's try it your way. Let's extract Dr. Mackintosh and pray to god she's got answers we can use."

For a moment, Doc was a little shocked. Ash was one of the more short-tempered  operators in Team Rainbow; a problem that continually grew ever since Mira joined the team, and for her to submit so easily was unlike her. In the end, however, Doc showed gratitude to her for approving his extraction op.

Doc: "Merci."

About an hour later, the team is assembled to run a brief of the extraction mission.

Ash: "Alright everyone, there has been a change of plans. Gustave has informed us of a potential asset that could help us end this situation. She goes by the name Dr. Ellen Mackintosh, and Doc believes that she may have a cure for the parasite. Our mission is to extract her from Sierra Veterans hospital by any means necessary."

Doc: "Seeing as i came up with this idea, i shall volunteer to go on this mission."

Ash: "Alright, thanks, Gustave. Who else is going?"

Firebreak: "As long as i get to burn enemies, then i shall have fun with this mission. Im going. It beats staying here and doing nothing."

Ash: "I appreciate your help, Mr... damn it, Y/N just told me your name not long ago..."

Firebreak: "Just call me Firebreak."

Ash: "Firebreak... got it."

Y/N: "Shall i go once again?"

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