Chapter 20 - taste of her own medicine

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Caveira went to seek out Ash and Valkyrie to get their opinion and to see if they're going to be onboard with it. It wasnt long before she found them in the rec room, watching tv.

Caveira: "Ladies."

Ash: "What's up, Taina?"

Valkyrie: "Where have you been?"

Caveira: "Listen. I have a plan to at least increase our chances of one of us recieving Y/N's love and affection."

Valkyrie: "What plan could you possibly have? He's already with Elżbieta."

Ash: "This is true, but go on. Im listening."

Caveira: "I was thinking, if we cant reason with that green-haired bitch to stay away from him, we'll have to force her to."

Valkyrie: "Uhhhhh, where is this going?"

Caveira: "We'll torture her until she agrees to stay away from him."

Ash and Valkyrie look at each other wide-eyed and look back at Caveira.

Caveira: "What do you think? Im a genius right?"

Ash: "Have you lost your mind? We're already in enough trouble with Six as it is."

Caveira: "She doesnt have to know, and she isnt going to know."

Valkyrie: "What about Y/N? If he finds out about this, who knows what he's gonna do."

Caveira: "Ill make sure to keep her mouth shut. So you girls in?"

Ash: "Im sorry, Taina, but im not doing it. Im not going to risk my job just for a potential love interest."

Valkyrie: "Yeah, you've lost it. Count me out."

Caveira: "Whatever. When this works, i get Y/N to myself." *she leaves the rec room yo go back to her dorm, when the intercom turns on*

Six: "Operators Caveira, Ela, Doc, Bandit and Anubis, report to the briefing room."

Caveira: "Perfect."

Timeskip brought to you by Caveira interrogating a White Mask grunt with a thought bubble picturing her interrogating Ela

The team had recieved word of an HVI that has information on one of the higher ups of the White Masks, and are sent in to retrieve him. They land at the mission site in Oregon, but when they search the place, they realize that there was no HVI. It was in fact, an ambush set up by the White Masks. However, the five man team was more than prepared for it and within 25 minutes, repeled the hostile forces. As they awaited exfil, Caveira thought it was the perfect time to put her plan into action. She looked for Ela until she found her in one of the upstairs bedrooms.

Caveira: "Hey, Elżbieta."

Ela: "What do you want, Taina?"

Caveira: "Listen, i just wanted to apologize for trying to get in the way of your love life."

Ela: "Really?"

Caveira: "Yes. I was too blinded by love to see that he was happier with you. I hope you can forgive me."

Ela: "Hmmmm... I guess i can."

Caveira: "Im so glad to hear that. You know, i found some old wine down in the basement. While the guys are securing the outer perimeter, we could enjoy it behind their backs."

Ela: "Ok, where is it?"

Caveira: "Come with me."

Ela, a bit suspicious but curious, decides to follow Caveira. She leads her down to the basement, where she now has Ela lead the way. When she found the opportunity, she knocked Ela unconscious with a swift blow to the head.

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