Chapter 3 - Meeting the rest of Rainbow, Part 1

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As the sun peeked out over the horizon and into the window, Y/N slowly began to wake up. He slowly sits up to see that Ash and Frost were already up and in their operator attire. Y/N looked a little confused as to why Frost's attire consisted of winter wear, but he decides to leave it. Ash notices Y/N when he stands up from bed and stretches.

Ash: "Well, look who's finally awake. Took you long enough."

Y/N: *laughs a bit* "Oh, sorry, you were waiting for me?"

Ash: "Yeah. I thought the three of us could get breakfast together."

Y/N: "Oh, of course. That sounds nice. I'm cool with it."

Ash: "Awesome. Oh, Tina, almost forgot to introduce you, this is Y/N. He's our new addition to Team Rainbow which Six will announce a little later today."

Frost: "Oh, really? That explains alot. How are you, Y/N? As Eliza stated, my name is Tina, but you can call me Frost."

Y/N: *chuckles* "As Eliza also stated, my name is Y/N, my callsign is Anubis. Pleasure to meet you."

Frost: "Likewise."

Ash: "Alright, with that out of the way, im starving. Let's go get some breakfast."

The three exit the dorm and proceed to the cafeteria. On the way, Ash decided to show off other parts of the base such as the training room, complete with weights, various cardio equipment, punching bags, and even a boxing ring in the middle of the entire room. She also showed him the shooting range, rec room, workshop, the meeting room where the operators will meet a little later, and so on. After a grand tour of most of the base, they finally make it to the cafeteria. They go inside to see that there are a few early birds already eating breakfast, Montagne being one of them. After grabbing their breakfast which consisted of homemade pancakes, scrambled eggs, sausage links, and bacon strips, Ash, Frost, and Y/N decided to join their table.

Ash: "Up early as usual, Gilles."

Montagne: "Oh, good morning, Eliza, Tina, Y/N."

Y/N: "Morning, Gilles. Who may these to beside you be?"

Montagne: "These are my teammates among the GIGN, Emmanuelle and Julien, also known as Twitch and Rook."

Twitch: "Please, call me Emma for short. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Rook: "Yeah, what she said."

Y/N: "Im Y/N, callsign Anubis. Likewise."

As they began to chat, an intercom turned on, and Six's voice came through it.

Six: "Attention, All operators are to report to the meeting hall in ten minutes for an important announcment."

Twitch: "Hmmm? I wonder what that's about.

Ash: "He's sitting right in front of you."

Montagne: "Wait, you mean..."

Ash: "That's right, Six asked him to join Team Rainbow, and he accepted."

Montage: "That's amazing. Welcome to the team."

Y/N: "It's a pleasure."

Y/N pulls up his mask just enough to uncover his mouth so he could eat. As friendly as they all seemed, he didnt want to uncover his face just yet. As they were finishing up breakfast, Six came in to the cafeteria to meet up with Y/N.

Six: "Ahhh, Anubis, i suspected tou would be here. Once you finish up, i'll need you to come with me."

Y/N: "No worries, Ma'am, im already finished." *pulls his mask back down*

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