Chapter 26 - Entity in the shadows

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<Forward in time, Quarantine Zone, Singapore, 2065>

There had been reports of a mysterious entity lurking around the Quarantine Zone, and so a team of NRC forces have been sent to investigate. They were aware that the Quarantine Zone was under the control of a criminal organization known as the 54 Immortals, and so were told to go in with extreme prejudice; everyone in this zone was to be considered hostile. While the NRC team didnt know what they were doing there or who they were after, the team leader knew precisely why they were there. He thought that if the rumors were true, then this particular entity could be the solution to dealing with the remaining Egyptian Army forces. As the night came, the winds started to violently pick up. Each soldier had been given an anchor staff so they could plant on the ground as to avoid being carried away by the 150 mph winds. However, it wasnt the winds that theybhad to worry about, it was all the possible debris that could be blown their way. As a safety precaution, the NRC team leader had his men camp out for the night in a nearby comm relay building while he continued his search for the unknown entity. He was starting to pick up on the trail when he found a few dead 54i corpses lying near a supposed checkpoint of some sort. He proceeded to check the bodies, and what he discovered satisfied him: surgically precise mid-line wounds.

NRC leader: "Hmmm, so the rumors are true. Now i just need to find them."

The NRC leader pressed on his search, following the trail of dead bodies. He had to make sure to follow the corpses with these mid-line wounds in order to stay on track. It led to an abandoned black station. He continued to follow the dead bodies, confident that he was nearing the entity, when he heard a noise coming from the floor above him. It sounded like someone being stabbed. He quickly and quietly rushed to a nearby set of stairs so see if he could find what he was looking for. He peeked the next floor up, and there it was. The stories and rumors he had heard were true. The legend, only known by shaken bystanders as codename Spectre, was standing right before his very eyes.

 The legend, only known by shaken bystanders as codename Spectre, was standing right before his very eyes

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They had just finished executing a 54i soldier. He slowly and cautiously climbed the the remaining steps as to not alarm them or seem like a threat.

NRC leader: "So, the legend is true. You do exist."

The entity known as Spectre slowly turns their head to see the single NRC soldier. They clamp their wrist and activate a set of plasma blades located on their wrist.

NRC leader: "Relax, im not here to fight. I was sent here to look for you. I would like to make a deal on behalf of my CO."

Spectre slowly turns around to face the NRC soldier.

NRC leader: "We would like to hire you to assassinate a specific HVT within the Egyptian Army. My CO is prepared to reward you handsomely if you could do this for us."

Spectre very slowly tilts their head. The NRC soldier slowly approaches Spectre with a screen tablet.

NRC leader: "My CO would like you to assassinate this egyptian soldier."

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