Chapter 41, pt 3 - The Nest

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Once the helo landed back at base, Doc and Finka were quick to disembark, having grown tired of hearing Outrider argue with Firebreak. Doc makes his way back to the infirmary tent whereas Finka went back to her barrack tent to rest. Meanwhile, Y/N, Tachanka, Ela, Dokkaebi and Reaper were busy keeping watch, killing any infected that wandered too close to the quarantine zone walls. Their shift was close to finishing, as Glaz, Spectre and Buck were walking over to them to take over.

Glaz: "Sharp shooting, Y/N. I could learn a thing or two from you."

Y/N: "Thanks, Timur, but there isnt anything i could teach that you already know."

The both of them share a laugh.

Reaper: *kills off the last infected in sight* "Target neutralized."

Spectre: "Impressive. Its a wonder why you were considered a failed prototype. Oh well, their loss."

Dokkaebi: "Yeah, those coal-... co-... um... colesent... uhhh..."

Reaper: "Coalesence."

Dokkaebi: "Yeah, those people. Its their loss. ... ... ... Wait... did Spectre say 'failed' prototype? Why failed?"

Reaper: "Not failed, per say, more along the line of cancelled."

Ela: "But why?"

Y/N: "I believe I read the report. Correct me at any point if I'm wrong. Reaper, or Experimental War Robot-115, was supposed to be the product of a cutting-edge military R&D project to supplement Special Operations soldiers in the field, running the most sophisticated software to date, perhaps ahead of its time."

Dokkaebi: "I believe that."

Y/N: "However, the EWR project was quickly cancelled after several apparent mishaps that they deemed embarrassing, as well as budget overruns. Shortly after the project cancellation, all prototypes were taken apart for scrap... except for one, which ended up being..."

Ela: "...stolen..."

Dokkaebi: "...and modified... by that underground gambling business.... Oh my god..."

Spectre: "Yep, that's basically the jest of it."

The girls were in disbelief. They never thought that something as cool and innovative as Reaper could've been just a failed project experiment to the eyes of the Coalescence. They felt so much sympathy for him, as did Glaz, Tachanka and Buck.

Ela: "Reaper... I... I'm so sorry to hear that..."

Dokkaebi: *hugs Reaper* "After hearing that... I can understand why you never mentioned it when we first met."

Y/N: "You can also understand why I was genuinely surprised to see you. I never thought I'd get to see one before you showed up."

Reaper: "Some information is better left undiscovered. But that is all behind me now."

Buck: "Well, if it counts for anything, we all at Rainbow think that you make a damn good soldier."

Reaper: "Appreciated compliment, Sebastien."

Dokkaebi: "If only they could see what you have become now."

Without thinking, Dokkaebi closes her eyes then gently kisses Reaper's forehead. This, in turn, caught everyone by surprise, and if Reaper could show it, it would've even surprised him as well. Only after she reopens her eyes does she realize what she did. Her eyes widen as she slowly backed away from Reaper, blushing to the point where her face was nearly as red as a tomato.

Y/N: "Grace... did I just see..."

Dokkaebi: "N-n-no, you didn't see anything."

Ela: *chuckles* "You know, Grace, it's starting to make sense. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're falling in love with Reaper."

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