Chapter 10 - Mid-flight confessions

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Zofia and Ela were packed and ready to go. Y/N had nothing to back, thus he was ready to go regardless. Six has given them use of one of Team Rainbow's private jets and has also notified the Copernicus International Wrocław of their arrival, to which the sisters were thankful for. They said their goodbyes to the operators and told them they'd be returning within a week and a half at most.
Rainbow wished them a safe flight, but as they were leaving the base, Ash stopped Y/N.

Ash: "Y/N, you're going as well?"

Y/N: "Yeah. Ela invited me so i figured, why not?"

Ash: "Didnt they say it was a family reunion?"

Y/N: "Well, yeah, but that not for another few days, so I figured Ela could show me around."

Ash: "Oh, ummm, i see... So... {"Come on, Eliza, just say it..."} I guess ill see you when you get back."

Y/N: "Hehe, alright. Take care of yourself. We'll be back soon."

Ash: "Alright. Cya then." {"God damn it, Eliza, you missed your chance... Why couldnt i tell him how i felt about him?"}

The three then leave the base and make their way to the hangar, where the jet was ready and waiting. They put all their luggage in the cargo hold, and then proceeded to climb inside the jet. The inside was designed to be luxurious, which caught Y/N by surprise.

Y/N: "Wow, this looks nice."

Ela: "I know right? I feel like a queen everytime I fly in one of these things."

Zofia: "Alright, get comfortable, we've got a two and a half hour flight a head of us."

Ela: "Well, if that's the case, im going to get some sleep. Y/N, is it ok if i could use your shoulder to rest my head?"

Y/N: "Sure."

Ela: "Thank you. *she rests her head on his shoulder.*

The jet gets on the runway and takes off. It wasnt long before Ela fell asleep on Y/N's shoulder. He and Zofia both noticed she had a smile on her face.

Zofia: "Y/N, i want to thank you for convincing her to come. I dont know how you did it or what you said, but i heavily appreciate it."

Y/N: "No problem, Zofia."

Zofia: "You know, it would seem like my sister has taken a deep interest in you."

Y/N: "Yeah, i guess you could say we've been close ever since that mission at the Perla Blanca."

Zofia: "Based on the hints given, i think she's actually falling in love with you."

Y/N: "Do you really think so?"

Zofia: "I saw that tender moment you had with my sister. She was really passionate about that kiss."

Y/N: "Wait, you saw that?"

Zofia: "I have my ways. Anyway, it is possible that she may even introduce you as her boyfriend."

Y/N: "Well... *she looks down at Ela* I cant lie... Elż is very, very attractive. Any guy would really be lucky to have someone like her as a significant other."

Zofia: "So consider yourself lucky. She isnt attracted to just any man. Hell, i've never even seen her fall inlove with someone before or mention any man that she has ever met. You're the first man that's ever made a positive impact on her life."

Y/N: "I... never thought of it that way."

Y/N could do nothing but stare at Ela. In some ways, she actually reminded him of Nefertiri and how close they were before they were take away from each other.

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