Chapter 2 - Welcome to Hereford Base

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As the helicopter was en route back to their base, Y/N found himself staring out into the night sky, zoning out and remembering all the good times he had with his old squad. He remembered all the laughs they shared when new recruits overestimated themselves and thought they could take down Lukman, only to find out why he was nicknamed "Sobek" in the first place. He remembered how well Masud's mood would brighten up everybody's day no matter how low people felt, as if shining a new sun into their souls just like the Sun God himself. Most of all, he remembered all the times he was not only laughing at any person caught on the recieving end of Nefertiri's poisonous wordplay against other squadmates, but he was also thankfuk that he was never on the recieving end of that scorpion's tail himself. Y/N can't help but remember how close he was to Nefertiri, almost as his he was in love with her. But now the only thing he wonders is if she is still alive. Ash noticed Y/N daydreaming and tapped on his shoulder to snap him out of it.

Ash: "Hey, Y/N, are you ok?"

Y/N: *snapped out of his daydream* "Huh? Oh, oh, yeah, im fine."

Ash: "Are you sure? Despite your face being completely covered, i could tell you were just out of it."

Y/N: "Im fine, Eliza. Im just... still taking all of this in, that's all."

Ash: "I guess that's understandable. Being a part of Team Rainbow is alot to take in at first."

Y/N: "Well... that would be so, if i was a part of the team, but im not."

Ash: *smiles* "Not yet, at least."

Y/N: "Hmmmm? What do you mean?"

Ash: "I gave Six good word about you, and she might be looking to recruit you."

Y/N: "You really have that much faith in me, do you?"

Ash: "Yes, i do."

Y/N: "Then i'll try not to disappoint."

Pilot: "Landing gear is out, preparing to land."

Y/N: *looks down at the base* "We're here?"

Ash: "Yep, this is it. Welcome to Hereford base."

The helicopter lands on top of the base. Y/N and the other operators get off the helo, and as soon as they do, the helicopter flies off to a nearby hanger. Montagne, Dokkaebi, IQ, and Sledge head to their respective dorms to rest, while Ash leads Y/N to Six's office. On the way, Y/N looks around to admire the place.

Y/N: *wolf whistle* "Honestly didnt expect this place to look this fancy."

Ash: "Yeah, it's seen its years though. Doesn't look as good as the day it was built, that's for sure."

Y/N: "Fair point. So, this CO of yours, you sure she'd recruit someone like me?"

Ash: "Based on what i've seen and told her, you definitely wouldn't have to worry about the recruiting process. You look like you've had many years of experience, and i'm sure she'd agree."

They were coming to an intersection, when they heard a small kaboom, followed by feint laughter, and finally a female voice with a Polish accent shouting from one of the intersections.


Ash and Y/N look in the direction of the shouting, and they see two operators running right toward them. They wore attire somewhat similar to IQ: hoodie and jeans as well as sneakers. However, one of them wore what looked like a pilot helmet and visor.

Ash: "Whoa, Bandit, Jäger, what did you do now?"

Jäger: "No time to explain, gotta keep- *sees Y/N and stops in his tracks* Who's this?"

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