Chapter 24 - The divide deepens

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After the shitshow that happened at the meeting hall, Y/N, Ela, and Dokkaebi figured the best way to forget about it was to show Reaper around the base. Six has given permission for Reaper to stay with the three, so they firgured they'd start with the dorms. They show which dorm is who's and then they showed off theirs. It was safe and obvious to say that Reaper wasnt really impressed. But they've come to accept it and just move on with the tour. Y/N led the group first to show off the shooting range, to which Reaper admitted he might spend majority of his time there. Dokkaebi then led and showed him the workshop. Despite being lowtech for him, Reaper figured it would be of use to visit there every now and again. He's even gotten admiration from not only Dokkaebi, but Echo as well. As the tour went on, Dokkaebi suggested they grab a bite to eat before continuing, to which the other three agreed. They stopped by and introduced the mess hall. Reaper noted that other than conversation with the group, he really has no purpose here due to his robotic nature. Unfortunately, the mess hall was packed with every single operator.

Dokkaebi: "Aww man... maybe we should come back another time... what do you think, Y/N?"

Y/N: "I personally dont even care anymore. Let's just get our lunch and sit down."

So they did just that. They got lunch, which was pulled pork with a side of mash potatoes and gravy, and sat down. They were soon greeted by Bandit, Mute and Vigil.

Bandit: "Hey, guys. Mind if we sit here?"

Y/N: "Oh, Dominic, Mark, Vigil, what's up? Sure you can sit."

The three of them sit.

Vigil: "Chul Kyung. That's my name. I figured it's the least i could tell you for helping me take care of Grace."

Dokkaebi: "Why do you act like i need a babysitter?" *pouts*

Y/N: *chuckles a bit* "It's no problem at all, Chul. Listen, Dominic, thanks for sticking up for Ela. I had hoped not to get anyone involved, but-"

Bandit: "It was no problem at all. After all, i still believe Taina was in the wrong on this one. She deserved what came to her."

Mute: "I have to agree. Taina overstepped her boundry. I dont blame you for doing to her what she did to Elżbieta."

Ela: "I fucking hate walking around in these crutches..."

Y/N: "Taina should honestly be lucky i spared her legs."

Ela: "Yeah, compared to me, you really did more damage to her than she did to me."

Dokkaebi: "Hey, Mark, are you gonna eat your mashed potatoes?"

Mute: "Yes, i am."

Dokkaebi: "Darn..."

Mute: "Anyway, im moreorless interested in getting to know our new operator."

Reaper: "What is it you would like to know?"

Mute: "Your background for start. Like where you were created and how long you've been active."

Reaper: "I was made in a Coalescence Facility in Singapore. I have been active for two years now."

Bandit: "I noticed your right arm is a little... for the lack of a better term, thicker than your left arm. What's with that?"

Reaper: "My right arm also functions as a minigun, dubbed the Sythce."

Bandit: "Really now? That's pretty badass."

Vigil: "I mean, it was kind of obvious, seeing as there a belt of bullets wrapping around his right arm."

Dokkaebi: "Im really interested in seeing it."

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