Chapter 1 - Clearing the bank, enter Team Rainbow

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A/N: Hey everyone, if you're reading this, i hope you're enjoying so far. Im gonna try to publish a chapter daily since there's nothing really going on to interrupt my schedule. Starting in this chapter, im going to switch to different operator POVs, as well as give them lines. To avoid any mix-up, im going to refer to their codenames instead of their real names when they are given dialogue. I hope this didnt sound to confusing, and with nothing more to say, enjoy the read. :D

Despite his want to get back to the future, Y/N decided to at least stick around to see how this will turn out. He readies his Drakon in case those soldiers are pinned down and may need offshore help. He removes the scope off his sniper and looks through it to get a better view of the five soldiers. The first one looked like a red-headed woman wearing a black combat uniform and vest. If anyone didn't know she was part of the FBI, her cap clearly pointed it out. The second one wore much heavier looking armor, and had a unique looking shield that looked like it was modified to extend itself to protect the wielder. Y/N had heard of such a shield in stories, but never thought it actually existed. Perhaps it was how the Assault Shield came to be? Who knows. Y/N was a bit skeptical about the third one. It literally looked like she was just wearing a ballistic vest over a hoodie and... skinny jeans? It looks like she was even wearing pink running shoes instead of actual combat boots. Strange for a soldier to wear, but what did he know? Its the early 21st century. The fourth one was wearing a gas mask and had a sledgehammer on his back, which Y/N thought was questionable at best. The last one wore skin tight pants that did more than just show of her curves. He also noticed her beanie with the number 707 on it. Based entirely on her look though, Y/N thought she looked more like a foreign college student than a soldier. He attached the scope back onto his sniper. He noticed that the redhead pulled out a phone. He wanted to get a better knowledge of who these people are, so he decided to tap into their comm lines and listen in.

Red-haired woman: "Six, my team is in front of the Prestige National Bank. We're ready to go in on your order."

Six: "Understood, Ash. Your team has the green light. You are cleared to engage the enemy."

Ash: "Yes, Ma'am, we'll get it done. *puts her phone away and turns to her team* Montagne, IQ, Sledge, Dokkaebi, you all ready?"

All: "Ready."

Ash: "Alright, Sledge, IQ, infiltrate through the garage."

IQ: "Understood."

Ash: "Dokkaebi, Montagne, We're going straight in through the front."

Dokkaebi, Montagne: "Got it."

Ash: "Let's move out."

Y/N observed as each soldier headed to their designated coordinates, however, his attention was on the team of three going in through the front. Y/N activated the tactical mode in his DNI to get a look of the whole building and better see what they were up against. He counted 22 hostiles and a majority of them were in the main foyer. As the three breached the front, he noticed Montagne extend his shield and slowly walk in. His shield was immediately pelted with bullets coming from almost all directions. He looked like he was struggling, so Y/N loaded his Drakon and took aim.

Montagne: "Ash, im taking alot of heat. I could use some help."

Ash: "Got it. Dokkaebi, clear the left side, ill take right."

Dokkaebi: *nods* "You got it."

Dokkaebi and Ash got into position behind Montagne and started firing, but because of the sheer numbers, they had to take cover alot more than usual. They simply didnt give them any openings, and pretty soon, they were pinned down.

Ash: "Shit... this isnt good. I cant get a shot. Those bastards just wont let up. Monty, how are you holding up?"

Montagne: "Im managing..."

White Mask: "Come on, men, push."

Things didnt seem like it would go well for them, when suddenly, they saw two of them drop dead.

White Mask: "What th-" *gets shot in the head and drops dead*

White Mask: "Shit, sniper, take co-" *shot in the head, drops dead*

One by one, they started falling until there was just a few left to where Dokkaebi and Ash could start shooting back. After reloading her weapon which looked like a carbine rifle (R4-C) Ash cleared the left side, and Dokkaebi cleared the right with a tactical rifle (MK14).

Ash: "Clear."

Montagne: "Man, that was something. Thank god we had Glaz to watch our back."

Dokkaebi: "Uhhhh, i thought he wasnt part of this mission..."

Ash: "He wasnt... not that i know anyway..."

After clearing the room, they seemed a little dumbfounded on who actually assisted them. Y/N saw the redhead looking around. Eventually, she noticed him on top of a building next to the bank, overlooking the main foyer. After a moment though, she got her head back into the mission to clear out the remaining hostiles. After a few minutes, Y/N saw no remaining hostiles. The place was clear. He made my way down to street level just as the five were coming out from the bank. Just before he could walk away...

Ash: "Hey, hold up."

Y/N: *stops in his tracks and turns around to see the redhead lightly jogging over to him* "Yes?"

Ash: "Were you the one providing cover fire for us?"

Y/N: "Maybe. You did seem like you were in a real pickle."

Ash: "We were. I would personally like to thank you for your assistance. We owe you one."

Y/N: "It's no big deal. Just trying to help out."

Ash: "You know, i mentioned to my CO that we did have a little outside help, and now she'd be interested in meeting you. Wanna come back to base with us?"

Y/N: "Im honored, but... i dont know..."

Ash: "If you dont want to, i understand."

Y/N gave it some thought. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to get to know this timeline better.

Y/N: "Ehhhh, i've got nothing better to do. I'll come with."

Ash: *smiles* "Well alright. The chopper should be here within a few moments. *holds out her hand* "My name is Eliza, but you can call me by my callsign, Ash, if you want."

Y/N: *shakes her hand* "My name is Y/N, my callsign is Anubis."

Ash: "Y/N... I like that name. Come on, i'll introduce you to the rest of the team."

Ash begins to walk back to the rest of her team with Y/N following behind her. The four break their conversation to see Ash walking back to them with him behind her.

Montagne: "Who have you brought with you, Ash?"

Ash: "This is Y/N, also know as Anubis. He's the one that saved our asses."

Dokkaebi: "Ooooo, really? That's awesome."

Montagne: "Yes, agreed. Thanks for the assist. My name is Gilles, aka Montagne."

Dokkaebi: "Im Grace, but Dokkaebi is fine, too."

Sledge: "Seamus, but you can call me Sledge."

IQ: "Im Monika, or IQ. Pleasure to meet you, Anubis."

Y/N: "It's nice to meet all of you."

Soon enough, their helicopter had arrived to pick them up and take them back to base. One by one, the operators boarded the heli. Y/N was a bit hesitant, but that changed when Ash offered a hand into the chopper, which he gladly accepted. Y/N boarded the heli, and it took off and made its way back to base.

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