Chapter 38 - Chimera Outbreak

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A/N: Hey guys, just thought id bring this back because i really enjoyed the Outbreak event during Operation Chimera, and i kinda hope it comes back soon. With that said, enjoy. :D

A few days have past since the introduction of the GSUTR, and things have been slow. White Mask attacks have been uncommon as of recently, not that Team Rainbow was complaining. But a few members of the team started to get bored because of the lack of action, one of them being Dokkaebi. In their dorm, while Ela and Y/N were on the couch watching a movie, Dokkaebi was somewhat groaning out of boredom in their bedroom. She had her Xbox on, but without any friends to play with, she didnt find anything as fun as if she did have friends online. She eventually left the room and joined Ela and Y/N, still holding her bored expression, which Y/N took notice.

Y/N: "Hey, Grace, what's wrong?

Dokkaebi: "Nothing really... im just kinda bored...

Y/N: "Don't you have that gaming console of yours? Why dont you play that?"

Dokkaebi: "Videogames arent as fun when you're playing alone."

Y/N: "I see your point."

Ela: "What has you feeling bored anyway?"

Dokkaebi: "Truthfully, the lack of terrorist attacks. I'm just really in the mood to shoot some bad guys."

Y/N: "Now that you mentioned it, there have been less mission deployments as of recently. But isnt that supposed to be a good thing?"

Dokkaebi: "It is, but... i dont know, it's probably just me."

Ela: "No, you're right. I have somewhat been missing being in the front lines."

Dokkaebi: "At least im not the only one."

Y/N: "Speaking of which, have either of you seen Eliza anywhere?"

Ela: "She was deployed a few days ago, but as far as i know, she hasnt come back yet. Something about a recon mission."

Dokkaebi: "Now that i think about it, i havent seen Olivier or Lera either."

Y/N: "I wonder where they've been sent."

Ela: "I heard they were tasked somewhere in New Mexico, but im not 100% sure. Im sure they're fine, though."

Just as Ela finished that sentence, the intercom came on.

Six: "I need all operators to report to the briefing room, i repeat, all operators to the briefing room, immediately." *intercom shuts off*

Ela: "Ummm, ok. I stand corrected."

Dokkaebi: "Finally, some action."

They quickly gear up and head to the briefing room. It wasnt long before all the other operators, including Reaper and Spectre, arrived. Shortly after, Six came in, and everyone took their seats.

Six: "Team, as some of you are aware, i've sent operator Ash to New Mexico to do some recon regarding a strange anomoly rumored to be going around in the town of Truth or Consequences. However, the information she reported back... has shed some light on a new threat. One unlike anything we've ever faced before.

Six shows the team images of what appeared to be mutated humans with spikes growing from various parts of their body. The team is left speechless.

Six: "This... parasite... has already covered the entire town, and has been quarantined. Operators Finka and Lion have been tasked a few days ago to assist, but we fear that without proper observation and power, it could spread further. So i have selected a few of you to assist in this matter. When i announce your callsign, stand up and step forward."

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