Chapter 21 - either fear or hate the jackal

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Quick A/N: To avoid any confusion, i say jackal as in the animal, not the operator.

It wasnt long before Bandit and Doc made their way to the basement. They were shocked to see what Y/N had done to Caveira, though Doc could at least understand why. After filling him in, Bandit then understood as well and admited he would've done the same if a friendly tortured one of his loved ones.

Doc: "Wow, you really did a number on her. I guess i have my work cut out for me."

Y/N: "Sorry to have to make you work overtime, Gustave. This is the consequence for trying to fuck with either me or Elż."

Bandit: "No worries, Y/N. Your secret is safe with us."

Y/N: "Thanks, Dominic. But i have a feeling that wont matter much. Taina will probably end up telling Six directly, or she'll tell Eliza or Meghan and then tell Six. But if i severely traumatized her, then that's enough for me. I dont care. Ill admit to it if they find out."

Ela comes downstairs, walking with a limb due to the stab she recieved from Caveira. She looks at the aftermath, and is satisfied with the results.

Ela: "That will teach that brazilian bitch. Thank you, Y/N. I really do owe you."

Y/N: "No need. Im just glad i found you in time."

The evac chopper can be heard hovering above the house.

Bandit: "Well, that's our ride."

Y/N: *picks up Caveira* "Let's go."

Timeskip brought to you by Y/N angrily looking out the window with Ela sitting on his lap, while Doc tries to clean up some of Caveira's wounds

The chopper slowly makes its descent and lands on the helipad of the base. Doc and Bandit came out simotaneously, while Y/N had to help Ela out while still carrying Caveira. Thanks to the stim shot Doc gave her, at least her bleeding stopped. However, they were not out of the clear yet, as Ash was waiting and witnessed Caveira's condition.

Ash: "Oh my god... Y/N  what happened to Taina?"

Y/N simply ignored her and proceeded to follow Doc to the infirmary. But Ash didnt let up."

Ash: "Y/N, What the fuck happened to Taina? Answer me."

Y/N: "..."

Ash: "For fuck sake, Y/N, are you goi-"


His outburst made her jump back, and recieved stares from the other three operators.

Doc: "Eliza, this isnt a good time. As you can see, Y/N is not in the mood to talk."

Ash: "I just want to know what happened to Taina. Is that too much to ask?"

Y/N: "You want to know what happened? This is what happens to people when they try to fuck with me or my loved ones."

Ash: *wide-eyed* "Y-you did this?"

Doc: "Come on, let's take her to the infirmary."

The four headed to Doc's office, leaving a disbelieved Ash trying to process what she's seen and heard.

Ash: {"It's like he's become a different person... This isnt the Y/N i first met... this is a monster..."}

An hour passes and Ash goes to the infirmary to check on Caveira. She first sees Doc and Ela, who were coming out of the infirmary. Ela was using crutches.

Doc: "Just remember to stay of that leg for a bit. It should be better within the next week or so."

Ela: "Thank you, Gustave." *she proceeds back to her dorm, passing Ash on the way.*

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